"I promise I wont forget Hermione. I have a surprisingly good memory on things like that. Mine's the 2nd of October." Nathaniel would shrug casually. "So, unless you were moved up a year, which wouldn't surprise me with your talent, that makes you older than me Miss Granger." He'd smile at her playfully. "Oh, and I refuse to let you get me anything either. Having you as a friend is more than enough."

She'd blush slightly and look shocked. "T-Thanks Nate..." She'd get up and hug him quickly, before backing away, clearly embarrassed.

Nathaniel would also go slightly red. "So, uhhh... Do you.. Do you know why Ron's jealous of you hanging around with me..?" He'd try and change the topic before other people arrived.

"To be honest, no.... Not really.. Maybe he thinks you'll hurt me or something.. I mean, he doesn't have any reason to be as suspicious or possessive as he is, right? You're not gonna hurt me are you Nate..? And it's not like we were together or anything, I mean I told you about what happened in our first year right?" Hermione would look at Nathaniel.

"Why would I do that? Of course I'm not going to hurt you Hermione. And with the troll? Yeah, you've said. Honestly, I'd be kinda surprised if you got with him after something like that... Not that it's any of my business." He'd say hurriedly.

"It's strange though... You've been way nicer to me in just the week or so that you've been here, than he has in two entire years... And yet he still seems to think he has a chance with me?" Hermione would sigh, and lean against the wall beside Nathaniel as everyone else arrived for lesson. She'd look at the other people, and would see several pairs pointing to, and whispering about, her and Nate. "Y'know... I think people have been getting the wrong idea of us leaving meals together as early as we do Nate..."

Nathaniel would also be looking at the others. "I think you might be right about that Hermione... Let them think what they want, it's none of their business what we do.." He'd pick up his bag and follow Hermione into the classroom.

After they had entered the classroom, Hermione took a desk in the far corner, with Nathaniel taking the one next to her. He vaguely paid attention when Ron and Harry took the seats on his other side. He knew why Hermione had chosen those desks... She clearly didn't want to deal with Ron any more than was necessary, especially with the recent hostility between them...

Lupin entered the classroom a few minutes after all the students had arrived, and most had already gotten out their books. "Would you all put your books away please? We will be having a practical lesson today. You will only need your wands." He said calmly.

Nathaniel and Hermione didn't need to put anything away, as Lupin had seen them the previous day and told them that they'd be having a practical lesson, so the pair simply got up and waited with Lupin by the door for everyone else to get ready. Soon, the class was gathered around, ready to go.

Lupin led them out of the classroom and through several corridors to reach the staff room, only stopping momentarily to jinx Peeves, the Hogwarts poltergeist, using the Waddiwasi spell which caused a wad of chewing gum to shoot up Peeves' nose, sending him away.

As they entered the staff room, a long room with wood panelled walls with mismatched armchairs scattered around it, Professor Snape left the room, but not without taking another jab at the Gryffindors. "Perhaps you haven't been made aware, Lupin. But this class contains Neville Longbottom. You shouldn't trust him to do anything difficult, unless Miss Granger is giving him instructions."

"Actually, I was hoping Neville could assist me with the start of this practical. And I'm sure he'll perform admirably." Lupin said, with a raised eyebrow at Snape's comment. He then walked over to a wardrobe at the other end of the room, once Snape slammed the door behind him. The wardrobe immediately began to shake, banging off of the wall. "It's just a Boggart. Nothing to worry about." Lupin seemingly ignored the looks of terror that passed through most of the class. "They tend to prefer dark, enclosed spaces such as wardrobes, or even the gaps beneath beds. I've actually found one that was lodged in a grandfather clock before. This one actually moved in yesterday, and I asked Professor Dumbledore to leave it, so you can have some practice. But the first question we should ask is, what is a Boggart?"

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