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You're an illustrator, illustrating MV videos and OCs for utaites. Secretly, you're also an utaite but you're not famous. It is night, and you stride on the road of Tokyo. While listening to music, you gaze at the amazing view Tokyo has brought you. It is your second year living in Japan, and you can't wait to discover new things in Tokyo.

  "What a nice city view..." you mutter under the street lights. You came to a zebra crossing, and the traffic light was on red. As you waited, the song "命に嫌われている" started playing in your earphone. Whose version is it this time, you thought. The vocals started, and you realized it's sung by your favorite utaite, Soraru. "Such a nice song," you mutter again. The traffic light is still red. Then you realize there is a person wearing a dark hoodie and a mask walking quickly towards the crossing, without looking at the light signal. 

  "あの—" you started, but that person didn't hear you at all. You looked to your left and saw a speeding car coming right toward him. "Wait, no!!" Without a second thought, you ran toward the hoodie guy as fast as you could— and pushed him out of the way. The speeding car passed by quickly without turning back to apologize. The traffic signal turns green. People started to walk across, while you're just on the ground with this hoodie guy who almost got bumped.

  "あの、すみません......" You said to the guy. The guy just remained silent. You stared at him for a good while and realized you should be saying something else. "Uhh, so, I was waiting for the light to turn green and I saw you walk toward the crossing without looking at the traffic signal... it was red, and a car was coming real fast to you so I..." "どうもありがとう", said the hoodie guy while getting up. He seemed to have noticed the song playing on your phone. "命に嫌われている...? Whose version is that?" He asked, looking at your phone. You got up as well and showed him the song on your phone. "It's Soraru's," you replied while smiling. "そうか," said the hoodie guy. "You know him?" you were curious. "Yea, I know him... He's a... pretty nice dude, I guess..." The hoodie guy started to look for his phone in his pocket. "Uh, as a thank you, do you wanna go to that cafe? I have this coupon. I mean, if you're fine with it..." He pointed to the cafe across the street. Is this stranger asking me out? You thought. But well, free food, why not. "Yes," you replied to the guy. "Then let's go." He started walking towards the cafe without waiting for you. You hurried up after him.

  "いらっしゃいませ~" the store clerk said warmly as you entered the cafe with the hoodie guy. "Sorry, we'll be closing in about 5 minutes, so only take-outs are available now." the clerk said. "じゃ..." you said to the hoodie guy. "Then we'll just take-out. May I use this coupon?" the guy asked. "いいよ," the clerk replied, "then you will only be paying ¥74." "Ok," the guy said while taking out his credit card. You kept on staring at the guy. His voice reminds you of someone... But you can't remember. Maybe you're just thinking too much. "...Hey. Let's go." You were deep in thoughts when the hoodie guy started walking out of the cafe. You quickly say thank you to the clerk and ran out of the cafe.

  "The cake sure is nice~"

  You and the hoodie guy was sitting on a bench in a park. It's fully dark by now, and there isn't a sign of anyone on the streets. "Without the coupon, that cake would've cost a lot more." The hoodie guy said, staring at a tree. "Well, thank you! The cake was delicious." You started scrolling through your phone. "Hey, um, may I have your... Line? I mean, if you have one and you're fine with it..." You asked the guy. The guy turned to you, a bit surprised, but agreed by nodding his head. He took out his phone as well and you scanned his Line QR code. "...Y/N-san?" He read out your name as shown on your profile. "Yes, that's me," you smiled. "Nice to meet you, Y/N-san." "Nice to meet you too," you replied. "Well... it's dark. Not safe for a girl to be outside by herself alone. I'll walk you home then," he stood up, stretching. Since he's nice... so I guess he's not a stalker...? It's fine for me to accept that right?  You thought. "Ok," you started walking, and he followed, walking by your side.

  "We're here, thanks for the walk!"

  A few minutes later you arrived at your apartment. You were about to wave bye to the guy but the guy just stared at you, surprised. "...This... is where I live." The guy said. "えええええっ?!" You screamed, alarmed and shocked. Then you took out your pen in your bag and hit the guy's head as hard as you can. "痛い...!! What was that for...?! I'm not a stalker!! See, here is the key. Plus, don't scream out like that at night, you'll disturb the people who are sleeping." He took out a key from his pocket and showed it to you. "あ、えと、ごめん...... I see, you live on the 12th floor? I live on the 11th," you replied. "Oh," the guy said, walking into the apartment. You got into the elevator with him with this awkward atmosphere. A few seconds later the elevator arrived on the 11th floor. "さようなら~" You waved bye to the guy and he waved back. You waited for the elevator door to close, then you let out a big sigh. You opened the door to your house and stepped in.

  You plopped onto your bed and stared at your desk, which is scattered with drawings and a drawing pad in the middle of all things. You thought about the job you got and where you'll be going tomorrow. "Drawing the MV visuals for Soraru, huh..." You couldn't help yourself but smile. You sat up on your bed and checked the address you'll be going to tomorrow. Then the hoodie guy suddenly popped up in your mind. "He was one mysterious man..." You muttered. "First not even caring about his life, then treated me a cake, and walking me home. Apparently he lives upstairs... How mysterious. Plus why is his name so long!?" You clicked into his profile on Line. He doesn't seem to have posted anything on his timeline, nor texted you. You sighed, and put back your phone on your desk, then went to shower.

  "What will tomorrow bring me..."

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