Subject Profile #233

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Shadia Venera Shuki

6.2 million years (looks late 20's)





Valkyrie Queen of Light (Removed).

Shadia has shoulder length black hair. She is 5'6" with a slim figure and a good sized chest. Her wings are white and almost touch the ground with a wingspan of 3 meters. Her eyes are rose gold around the edges and shift to blood red at the center.

She wears a robe-like outfit with the front of her lower half visible while hidden by any other angle. She wears knee high boots with heels. Black stockings are on her legs. Her sleeves reach her wrist but are a foot wide at the end so it drapes down. She wears a silver ring with a black gemstone in it (A gift from the King). She has a sheathe behind her. It's hooked to her hip with the handle of the weapon on her right. Inside of the sheathe is a long sword that can split down the middle to form two weapons.

- Unknown.
<<Insufficient Data Available. Further Observation Required>>

Shadia was born with great potential, enough that the current demon king, Isithunzi Ata Zenith, had recognized it. He had her trained by the best he had and by the age of 12 she was named the future successor to the current Valkyrie Queen of Light, Snedye Nyneve Shukenya. After this announcement, Snedye took Shadia on as her disciple and would train her in her magic, an ancient magic called Divine Magic. After 90 years of training under Snedye, Shadia was finally able to best her in a real battle. This proved her worth of the Valkyrie Queen of Light's throne. Even after this great achievement, she didn't stop training. She trained with swords, staffs, knives, and even unarmed. She mastered many fighting styles and created a few of her own. By the age of 178, Shadia was appointed as the Demon Kings personal General and guard, always by his side. It wasn't long before she became good friends with the King and he would even ask for her advice on many things. It was at this point that she swore a vow to him, if she had to turn her back on her own kind to keep him alive, then she would. If she had to end her own life to keep him alive, then she would. More years pass by and her power continued to grow, as did the King's when he asked to join her whenever she trained. But a day came when she had to full fill her vow to him, a Holy War was to come. A prophet for told the Kings death would come during the war but not how, so Shadia did the one thing she could to prevent it. She joined the ones who started the war, she joined the angels. With her help, the war ended as fast as it had started. Afterwards Shadia returned to the King and explained why she turned on her own kind, bring up the vow she made to him. He understood, but he was the King and he, against his own wishes, had to banish her soul to the void. But just before the ritual to send her soul to the void was complete, the Demon Lord of Shadows, who had somehow gained a tremendous amount of power, attacked the Kings realm with the intent of overthrowing him. Isithunzi, overthrown and banished, disappeared along with Shadia.

<<Further Research Underway>>

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