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Present Day Silver Moon Pack - Remington Mathews up top

***Reminton's POV***

Today is the day! My 18th Birthday.

Today I will find my mate. At least I hope so. You can find your mate after your 16th birthday. However, as the future Alpha, I was informed it was more likely going to be this birthday.

I am so excited. I have waited all my life for this day. I saved every kiss, touch and so many experiences to share with my soul mate.

I finish getting dressed as I head to the kitchen for food. My mood is elated as I fist bump my pack members, kiss cheeks of my family and throw my most blinding smiles in all directions.

"Good morning Dad!" I whistle as I pass him. He's drinking coffee and reading his morning paper.

"Good morning Remi. Happy Birthday! You are in such a good mood, my boy." My dad, Alpha Jamison, winks knowingly at me, his joyful pup.

"Today is the day. I will find my Luna." I announce to my Mom with open arms as I engulf her in a hug.

"You will find her as soon as it's time." My mom, Cass, attempts to temper my excitement.

"Him, Mom, he will be my Luna." I correct my mom with a kiss on her head.

"Same difference, sweetie. We do not care the gender." Mom reminds me it was just a common pronoun. I don't feel animosity. We all know the Moon Goddess chooses for us.

I sit beside my dad as I stuff my face with a delicious breakfast of pancakes and bacon.

"Your party is tonight at 8pm. Don't be late." Dad barks while ruffling my hair with his large fingers.

"I wouldn't dream of it." I promise.

I grab my book bag and head towards my car. My baby. 2019 Mustang Cobra. Cobalt blue with chrome rims and black leather interior.

The drive to school is anything but quiet as my best friend and future Beta, Jace Jacobs, rambles on about finding his mate. He hasn't yet. He is just hoping.

"Jace, calm down. It will happen." I plead with the rambunctious wolf who brings me hours of entertainment and days of headaches.

"You're excited too. Don't piss in my Cheerios, Rem." Jace grits outs and I laugh.

"Dude, your 17. Grow up. Save that pouting for when you beg your mate not to reject you." I joke but, I see his eyes widen and I realize this may be an actual fear.

Well, shit!

"She isn't going to reject you, Jace. I was just being a dick." I try to smooth over the ramifications of my loose tongue.

"What if I'm too dumb, too short, too tall, not muscular enough? What if she wanted a girl? What if she wants an Alpha? What if she wants a blonde? Oh Goddess!" Jace whines and I chuckle.

"You're perfect just as you are Jace. She will be beside herself." I promise my worried best friend.

"What if he thinks your perfect?" I throw out the possibility that she may be a boy.

"Then HE is bottom." Jace laughs maniacally.

"I hope you get a large warrior wolf who pins you down and spanks you." I guffaw and Jace shudders, making tears spring to my eyes.

"Shut it, Rem. What happens if you get a dominant male wolf?" He crosses his arms and wiggles his eyebrows.

"I guess I learn to get spanked." I wiggle my brows.

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