First day[2]

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            First year
"KARAMA! Are you ready yet it's almost time to go!" A loud voice rang in my ears as I slowly rose from bed. Slowly I picked up my phone with the bunny case when it hit me, not only was it already 7:20 it was the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL?!
Crap, crap, crap.My eyelids suddenly didn't feel as heavy as they where about five seconds ago. BANG! CRASH!"SHIT!" WHACK!
"Karama? What's going on?
"I-I dropped my shirt"
"That was heavier then a shirt"
"I was in it."
Struggling to get back on my feet with out falling again I made my way to the bathroom. Teeth, brushed, hair, also brushed, clothes on. Tie...untied. . I looked back at a clock only to see 7:30!?
No no no it can't be that late, i scolded myself rushing down the stairs. How could I oversleep on the first day of u.a. I recalled to last nights events.
"Take that boys!" Finishing the match with a overwhelming victory "ha! Try to beat that ya tryhards" . This was the life, beating nerds at video games. With a yawn I peered over to my clock it was 1:00 in the morning "one more match." Yawning but that may have been a lie.
I waved that thought away. It couldn't be that i was probably just way to excited for today. Besides today was the day I start living my dream why wouldn't i be excited.Now that I'm ready all I have to do is walk out the door,reaching for the door I was interrupted
"Karama aren't you forgetting something?" My mother taunted showing me my bag she held in her hands.
"Y-yeah I guess I need that" rubbing my hand on my neck.
"I swear you and your father are exactly the same"she scowled looking over her shoulder to see non other then my father shoving handfuls of fish down his throat, breakfast in a family of fish people."kugo! Stop that right now and take your daughter to school!" The woman may be soft spoken but someone has to get us out the house.
"Alright, alright mimi, I'm going see you after work" he kisses her head gross I would never. "Karama lets go" shoving me along.
"Daaaad I can just take the train" I protested.
"Honey you can't tie your own tie how can I trust you on the train." He had a point.
During the ride dad taught me how to tie my tie, thank god someone knew how.The car ride was a pleasant one I always loved the city. Each large building mad it look like a huge forest. "You know for a aquatic mammal you sure seem like a city person" dad chuckled.
"Look I love the ocean and all but I like the city more, especially at night the colors are amazing."
"Then I should take you to Tokyo one time little one you would love it."these talk with my dad where amazing he was always so cool. He would tell me all his work stories, did I mention he was the #12 pro hero, well he is and that's awesome.
After the long-ish 30 minutes it took to arrive at u.a I had finally made it, u.a high school the best hero school in the world. Graduation from here is almost a guarantee that I would become a top hero, even with my dad's recommendation it was a miracle I even made it in.
'U.A, the national school, the school that glistens like the light of a distant island while lost at sea. This was my new school, all the best heroes had graduated from here. The number two hero endeavor, the number four hero beast jeanist, and even the man himself, the symbol of peace, the number one hero all might. After three years here I'll for sure become a hero, even better than all might!
I was so in awe of the building in front of me that I didn't notice how my tail moved behind me. THWACK!! Crap not again, frantically I looked behind me to see a boy on the ground. "ohmygodohmygod, I'm so sorry." shifting my gaze from his. The boy had lemon blonde hair and an endearing smile.
"its I'm I should have watched where I was going." It was only when he stood up that I realized how tall he was."I'm Mirio by the way, and that's one hell of a quirk you have there." I felt his gaze shift towards my tail.
"o-oh, thank you I'm Karama Sakamata." I replied extending my hand for a handshake. Mirio's handshake was interesting, to say the least. He grabbed my hand and shook it so violently I nearly fell over.
"like the pro hero? That explains the quirk." he kept shaking my hand.
"u-uh" I tried to say in a wobbly voice, due to the violent handshake.
"The bell!" we said In sync as we locked eyes. Without a second thought, we raced to class coincidently we ran in the same direction, to the same class. Due to a local miracle, we made it to class just as the bell rang. There were twenty students in the class 1-A and by the time we got to class everyone had found and sat in there assigned seats. One of the other boys waved Mirio over to sit with them. Crap I mentally cursed which was my seat?
"hey!hey!hey! You must be karama? You sit next to me" a periwinkle haired girl talked the desk next to her. Quickly I made my way to the desk. I got to my desk and checked for a spot for my tail, it seemed they already thought of it my chair must have been specially made. " hey you have a tail, "she gushed poking my tail.
"well your hair is pretty how do you wash it?" I wanted to get the conversation off my tail. " I'm karama sakamato by the by."
"I know that silly!" she poked my forehead. "im najire hado." the class continues to talk amongst themselves.
"God do you students ever shut up?" a mysterious voice bed from the doorway. A silence few across the class as heads slowly turned to the voice. The only thing in the hallway was a yellow sleeping bag. Did the bag talk? What was going on
"hello? Sleeping bag was that you?" and kid called
Ziiiiiip something crawled from the bag, it was tall shaggy and drinking a juice box. Wait I recognized that mysterious creature. It was Eraserhead the pro hero.
"you haven't stopped talking since the bell rang. That will be unacceptable in this class." he began to write on the chalkboard. " you will call me Aizawa sensei, no variations." he underlined the name." don't think about making friends this isn't the place for it you are all rivals." well I failed that rule. "Now everyone get in your gym uniforms and meet me outside."
"wait mister Aizawa sensei! What about the introduction ceremony?" some of the girls protested.
"doesn't matter. Don't make me ask again go get on your gym uniforms and meet me outside before I expel you all." with a reply like that we didn't dare rebuttal.
"hey najire girl wanna walk together?" I ran up to her
"yea yes I do." she smiled. " ok so like quick question what's with the last name it sounds like that pro hero gang orca?" she tapped my shoulder while asking.
"well he's my dad" I replied as we made our way to the changing rooms. It was true I was the daughter of the number twelve hero, but I always get a bunch of questions so I don't bring it up.
"But you don't look like him?" I tried to answer but she interrupted again." where do the squid things come from? Can you spit ink? How do you use the bathroom with that tail?" After what seemed like forever she stopped with the questions and I was able to answer all of them by the time we made it back outside.
" Now that you all finally got changed we can get started." He brought up a clipboard." Welcome to quirk assignment test do well, or else." Quirk assessment but we all passed the entrance exam? " I know you all passed the entrance exam but this is different. Here the lowest-scoring student will be expelled from u.a immediately. The once cheerful students went grim. Expelled he can't do that. "save those expressions for later, do your best out there."I gulped I guess this is the real entrance exam." you will be allowed to use your quirks During the test. The first test is simple, throw this ball as far as possible." we could do this. "first up is mirio toagata." he thread the ball to Mirio.
"be ready to be amazed by the amazing Lemillion!" he flexed his arms in an Egyptian movement. God, he was so positive it was like it was radiating off him. He got ready to throw the ball but as he went to throw the ball but something happened, it went right through his hand. "sorry my quirk is kinda tricky" what just happened?
Aizawa picked up the ball" you get one more shot togata don't agree this up." he snapped passing the ball to Mirio. He went to throw it again but this time it was different. If passed halfway through his hand and then shot right-back out launching the ball.
"900 meters good enough," he wrote something down. "najire hado" he called my new friend.
I gave her a thumbs-up as she went to throw the ball. Her cheeks puffed up as if in a deep concentration. She threw the ball as hard as possible, but once it was up in the air she lifted her hand changing the airwaves to push the ball as far as possible. "3000 meters good job," he wrote down her score.
"how'd I do?" she looked at me.
"you did.. Amazing!! Your quirk of so graceful and cool." I grabbed her hands excitedly.
Aizawa called a few more students before we heard a name we didn't notice before."Tamaki amajiki" I peered over my shoulder to see who that name belonged to. A boy slowly stepped out of the crowd of students, his skin was pale like snow. But his hair was anything but it was purple like a ravens feather. That's when I noticed something, the ears, they weren't as long and drooped as mine but they were pointy elf ears.
As he approached, Aizawa put a hand on his shoulder and whispered:" boy have you eaten today?" the Boy gripped his arm and nodded as he took the ball.
"he's weird isn't he?" najire whispered to me.
" I think it's cute" I sighed
The shy boy stood for a few seconds before I heard mirio yell at the top of his lungs. "you can do it tamari!"
"one more peep out of you and your out of here!" Aizawa snapped back at mirio. "and you." he turned back go Tamaki. "we don't have a day" he scowled. Tamaki took a step back with embarrassment and git ready to throw the ball. He extended his arm when boom! His fingers turned into octopus tentacles and launched the ball. I couldn't help myself and let out a cheer. It was rare to see these types of quirks outside of mom's home town. "salamato! For to love of God!" aizawa glareed at me. I shut my mouth."bow tamari you got 2,500 meters good job." the boy quickly made his way back to his friend. I had to talk to him.
I ran over to mirio. Najire was close behind trying to weave her way threw the crowd having no clue what got into her friend. I made it over to mirio who had also been joined by Tamaki. "dude your quirk is way past cool!" I gushed grabbing the shy boys hands. He just stared at me" and like the octopus tentacles that means you're from Marie island right?"
"u-uuh" he started red as a tomato.
As I was gushing to the boy I was turned the other way "woah slown down karama. I've never seem anyone so excited about amajiki's quirk. Can I ask why?"
I didn't get much from my mother but I did get two twin tentacles in my hair.
"kamara sakamato!" Aizawa called my name.
"ill just show you." I went up and grabbed the ball and got in my ready stance.
Najire had made it over to mirio and Tamaki. "oh hey you're the tentacle guy right?" she pointed making a jellyfish with me motion with her fingers.
"w-why does everyone keep talking about me?" he turned to the wall out face out of view of the rest of the class.
"shhhhh! It's kamara's turn" najire said interrupting the boy's sulking session.
I had taken down my hair revealing two large tentacles. Using one of them I grabbed the ball and got ready. I was able to throw it pretty far but when it started to fall I thought fast and spit some saltwater at the ball Pushing it a little farther."900 meters I expected more from you, recommendation student."
My face flushed with embarrassment and I went back to my friends. I noticed Tamaki against the wall, I don't know why but I felt sad that he didn't see my quirk assessment I watched his.
My train of thought was soon interrupted a certain blonde-haired boy "that explains it you just must be excited because Tamaki has a similar quirk right?" I nodded in agreement "well Tamaki's quirk isn't just octopus. Tell her amajiki."
"no" is all he replied he didn't even move. Did he hate me ore something?
"you can't look at that wall forever you scaredy-cat."mirio turned to me." sorry he's a little shy."
"I -I can manifest A-attributes of things I e-eat." he tried to turn toward us.
"does that mean if you a piece of our hair you get our quirks!?" najire practically yelled.
"i -i never through about it." he rubbed his arm."it probably only work with her." he pointed at me.
"cus she's seafood?"
"NAJIRE!??" I cried "I'm not seafood."
"you have an animal quirk." the elf whispered,
"please don't eat me, Tamaki." I begged
The rest of the day Want smoother thank God we went through all the quirk tests and did better at others and worse at some.
"none of you are being expelled. Now go home." Aizawa said no emotions in his voice.
"so it was all a cover to get us to work." I sighed.

The group of friends headed to the train station on the way home and exchanged number to stay in contact.
I made so many friends' I thought to myself. We all exchanged numbers and headed to the train station. After najire and Mirio partes ways it was just me and Tamaki
"Soooooo u.a huh?" I asked trying to start a conversation
"Yeah what about it.." he quietly said. 'This will be a long train ride' . Eventually I started a conversation and talked for bit which was nice. He was so shy but I was patient and persistent. I'll get him to talk and smile and be happy, I made that my mission. After all I knew what it was like to be in his position.
  I got home and told mom and dad all about my day and my new friends
Kamara started a conversation 
Merry school startmas
                                            Free willy🐬:hey guys I       welcome to the chat

Air heard🤗:
Oh m gosh I love the group name

Sunshine man🌞:
I don't get it
                                                                Free willy🐬:
                                                     Like Christmas dummy

Sunshine man🌞:

Anxious bean🐙:
W-why is that my name
                                                      Free Willy🐬:

Air head 🤗:

We continued on talk for a few hours while we all got ready for bed. Oh yeah this is gonna be a great three years

Plenty of fish the the sea (Tamaki Amajiki x oc)Where stories live. Discover now