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A/n: another self indulgent oneshot. Yep. I, like Near collect toys (and each one is named) and this came to me while hunting for a porcelain doll, which I still haven't found. Maybe one day I can post a chapter showing off my whole collection who knows.

Hc: L left everyone to move into taskforce by themselves, and the first time he walked into your room it reminded him of the past.

The taskforce wondered why you were taking so many boxes up to your floor over the past few days. Surely you couldn't have THAT much stuff right. On top of the desks by the computer was the last box, covered in fragile stickers.

"What do you think is so fragile she needed that many stickers?" Matsuda asked.

"Probably something ceramic or glass" Light replied.

L picked it up gently, feeling it's weight.

"It's not that heavy, it must be pretty thin and easily breakable then" he said.

Just as the words left his mouth you walked downstairs, hair ties up, messy and exhausted from moving in all week.

"There it is" you said, walking over and picking up the box.

"What's in it?" Matsuda asked.

"This? Oh yeah all the fragile stickers probably make it stand out"

You put it back down and grabbed a pair of scissors, slicing the tape and opening the flaps. The boys watched you brush the packing beads off and very carefully wrap both hands around something. And then, out came a porcelain doll, in a frilly gown with a bonet and curly blonde hair. Glass eyes and details paint work.

"Woah, that's some detailed sculpting right there" Light said.

You cradled the doll like a baby, very careful not to drop her. One wrong move and she'd shatter.

"Yep, that's why she cost me so much. But she was so pretty I just had to have her. Her name is Lilith and her two sisters are already in their cases" You said.

L started at the doll, the little teddies in her skirt and frilly socks reminded him of simpler times back at the orphanage.

"She has sisters?" He asked.

"Yep, I have a whole collection of all kind of toys. Mainly dolls, stuffies, figures and vintage kids toys. I've always been into it for some reason. I guess I just like the childish, elegant but a little bit creepy aesthetic" you replied.

"She's pretty, how much was she?" Matsuda asked.

"$230, it would have been more but there's a chip on her arm under the dress so I got it cheaper"

"Woah, that's a lot for a doll. But it's so detailed I get it"

"Yep, she was hand made. None of this manufactured in bulk stuff. All hand done and fried and painted right in the shop. I'd love to talk more but I have a few more toys to unpack. So I'll see you all at lunch" you replied, turning on your heels ams heading back upstairs with your doll.

The doll didn't leave L's gaze as you walked off. Something about it gave him nostalgia, and he wanted to see more of your collection. So he mindlessly followed you, and you didn't seem to mind him doing so. You opened the door to your room and stepped inside, walking over to a glass case and placing the doll among two others.

The room was like a toy museum. A massive pile of stuffies in the corner, and a few on the bed. The shelves full on figures among books. All the expensive and delicate dolls in the glass cases. There was a little hot air ballon toy hanging from the roof, and a toy box stacked full of old puzzles and board games. And just beside the bed was an old fashioned dollhouse with the walls opened to view the inside.

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now