Chapter 16: Eye for an eye

Start from the beginning

He then parted on his own way, wondering if he could still catch up with his friends. Throughout all of his 'interrogation', Hiro would never get any good time learning anything about Zero two. Her enchanting... beauty, just made Hiro's life full of, what could only be described as (no matter how cheesy it seemed), purpose.

He still had so many questions that were in need of answering, knowing full well that they wouldn't be answered with any more rounds around the garden. Hiro was getting impatient.

'What else could I do to learn more...' he muttered, 'It isn't like there's a spot in the library labelled, Zero two, now is there...'

Little did he know, as well as the rest of the squad, there were in fact books about Zero two... just not ones that were all that... jolly...

Thoughts were disrupted as Hiro nearly walked into a wall.

Not long after, he made his way out towards the gate of the school. The usual staff were standing there, their bizarre and creepy masks resembled that of a victorian styled, masquerade masks.

Looking towards the bus stop, Hiro new he was too late. The bus would have left, ages ago, even with the rare, inconsistency of the buses.

'Eye for an eye, I guess...'

Hiro turned around from the pair of staff that resembled, drug addicts from some old game he couldn't recall. All six of the empty eye-slits bore into his back, as if sensing his mental recognition.

'God, when was the last time I slept...'

≈ θ ≈

There was never not a time for sweets and sugar.

This was the philosophy of Zero two.

It had been one of the only things that she had enjoyed in her life, after everything she had been through.

Sugar was a way of getting energy that was fast, easy, satisfying, and rewarding. Her body, was different to most, it is Zero two in question, here; with her horns, her teeth (if those counted), her hair and so on and so forth.

She had come to terms with the fact there would be people, humans; that would question the obsessive sweet tooth that she had. Some might need to steal an extra cookie from the cookie jar, Zero two would always, swathe her meal in thick coats of honey. The kind that was artificial, and had sugars added to it.

She would also have a lollipop with her for the majority of the time.

She had never gotten around to think about it further than,

Not human, different needs.

Maybe she did it to keep people away from her, as she was split between, drawing them in, or pushing them aside, because of them just treating her like a piece of art that was only there for display. This may have been the truth, maybe not; we shall never know.

Zero two had grown tired of it all, though.

The constant whispers, the ever present voices, the small gasps and giggles that she would here in the halls and classrooms of APE Academy, or outside, wether she be eating food, or walking around... wherever she was at the time.

There was a small part of her had wished FranXX Academy to be different, anyway, shape or form, but it never did.

Being born different meant, living different.

That's why she looked for a suitable darling for so long. Specifically, the darling that she had once had. That's all that had mattered to her.

But the hopes and dreams of a young girl had to make way for the cold reality,

You live, with what you get.

Going back to the present, on the other hand.

Zero two had walked all of the way to her dorm room. It wasn't hard, as the dorms were practically next to the gardens, if one just had the ability to remove several stories of buildings with ease and minimal risk.

Zero two would have been sad about having her dorm face the complete opposite direction, but things like flowers had long left her mind and list of troubles.

One thing remained, and would always remain,


≈ θ ≈

The public bus was a decently full. It was the weekend, and smart people would be taking the time to, end their long week.

The academy did not provide transport of any kind for the students, if they so desired to leave its' grounds on holidays, public holidays, and in pretences like the squad were in at the moment.

The students were given a small amount of money to do what ever they liked, although if it was questionable in nature, the school will have the buyer and seller severely punished. The Academy had eyes, everywhere.

The squad had decided that the particular place that they would be going to, would be the particular, nowhere of the city.

They hadn't much in mind; maybe go for a movie; see a new exhibition in the local museum; bum around the business district and eat candy and other garbage that resembled food. None of them could afford a high-class dinner at a five -star restaurant, but they didn't care either.

Getting off the bus and into the central area of the city, the group collected into a small mass and began churning out ideas for where and what to do exactly. Sometimes the best thing to do, was nothing at all.

Their voices only adding to the large garble of city noises and sounds.

≈ θ ≈

To be Continued...

Hey there, looky whats we got here, another trash chapter, made and produced by yours truly! Sorry for the late publish, I know I literally said I would be publishing more often, but I got some great ideas for a fanfic idea I've had in mind for a while now. The clue/easter egg for what it is about, is in the chapter above, some of you won't get it, it's fine. And with that, thank you for reading

- Eclipse

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