part 2 of Y/N catches Harry stealing blood and things get messy

Start from the beginning

Harry takes a piece of clothing at his side and rips a strip of the cotton tee, scanning to find the wound and zeroing in on it's hind leg. There was a deep gash along its hindleg from what he could tell – it's certainly where the most blood is darkly pooled. Taking the thick strip of cotton, he carefully slips it beneath its leg, wrapping it around the cut tightly, shushing it when it gives a feeble groan as he tights around it. He tears off two other strips from the t-shirt so that he could wrap over that one – not only for a more secure dressing but to cover some of the blood so that Y/N didn't have a heart attack when she sees it.

Quickly, he takes the vile from his back pocket and coaxes the blue liquid into the bunny's mouth, thanking his lucky stars that he had accidentally helped a woodland nymph and was gifted what at the time had been a useless solution to heal creatures of the forest. It was actually weirdly coincidental that this had happened, even though it'd been ten years ago, he had always had a niggling feeling in the back of his head that he should keep it, no matter how much he would be tempted to throw it out when he was cleaning. And not only that but for some reason he had told himself to bring it with him on this trip – through it into his suitcase with a small huff, muttering something about it being a useless gift.

Perhaps the universe was finally working in his favor. A happy and calm Y/N makes for an at least partially happy and calm Harry, at this point, as she's proven to be impressively decent at reflecting her emotions unto him. Harry may not feel them as intensely but it was enough to lull him into a sense of unease when she's crying or a more unruffled feeling that aids him in maintaining his usual phlegmatic nature or even spark a bit of a fire in him when she's angered (though he learns to ignore this one in favor of teasing her often, but she rarely gets all too angry with him for that he's found – more frustrated and flustered anything). He didn't even want to think about what would've happened had he come back with the news of her bunny being dead, or if he had brought what he had found as a broken, bloodied creature for her to sob over as it passed. Hell, he even releases a small sigh of relief when he hears it's heartbeat pick back up, muttering a quiet, "Thank fuck." As he leans back on the haunches of his feet, looking around the carnage of her room for a shoebox.

The damage the demon had done was aggressive and intense, glass and papers crinkling beneath his boots as he reaches for a box that had been tilted over. Harry feels sympathy for her, he does, but part of him is glad that the demon was so brash; stupidly ruining the place then leaving rather than just stalking around until she got home, or hiding in her closet until the most opportune time to attack her. The thought of that brings such a foul taste in his mouth – a dark, heavy feeling that weighs down to his marrow, he has to quite literally shake it out of his head. Moves a little faster as he fills the box with clothing and towels, sliding his hands cautiously beneath the bunny's body and placing him amongst the soft bed he'd made.

As carefully as he can, he moves the box with the resting bunny into the front seat of his car. Breaks every single traffic law he thinks might be out there trying to get back to her so he can show her the alive animal, albeit it's bleeding, body. Maybe it would put some of her mind at ease enough for her to sleep so that he could figure out what the fuck he was going to do with her and this situation – he can't properly focus with her sobbing about what had happened in his ear. Plus he's pretty sure she has class tomorrow, which he needs her to attend...needs time alone to speak with Jeff, prepare his next steps and actually finalize a game plan to kill this demon.

A small bead of panic dribbles down his spine though when he steps inside and she isn't sitting on the couch where he had left her, his brows furrowing, "Y/N?" He calls into the loft and he relaxes as soon as he hears the snuffled response coming from his room upstairs.

"M'up here!" She responds, and he's frowning as he takes the steps two at a time, filing through his brain of what she could've possibly gotten into within his belongings that could cause some harm to either one of them. However, when he passes the threshold from the stairs into his bedroom, he sees that she's merely sat amongst his sheets, swaddled in a blanket, looking at him with bleary eyes, "Sorry," she sniffs, "Thought maybe I'd be safest here...where it smells most like you." Before Harry can make note of how smart that actually is, her eyes flicker towards the box in his hand, swallowing thickly, "Is that Gremlin?" He nods, taking a step closer, "Is he – is he alive?"

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