The Beginning

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The morning sun burst through the trees, the morning haze starting to fade. Everything was silent until the birds began to chirp, the groans of fatigued soldiers could be heard around the war torn forest. Trees laid on the ground, some split in the middle causing their top to slump onto the ground. Leaning against one of the trees was a soldier named William Schofield, sweat lined his brow alongside some fresh dirt, the wildlife surrounding them were even silent including the rats. Due to the conditions of war many men had gotten ill, the same said for Sco, his body temperature heightened, he felt weakened yet he refused to give into the illness. His eyes continued to scan the world around him, the gentle breeze flowing around the man before long the gentle sounds of nature got interrupted by a loud, stern tone. 

 "Schofield, come with me" 

 Sergeant Sanders commanded, without hesitation the man walked alongside. His limbs felt like they were creaking with every movement, luckily for the man they didn't walk far. Getting to the food station instinctively Schofield's stomach rumbled, the small portions were taking a toll on everyone. The one question on Schofield's mind was why the Sergeant even wanted him to follow. 


 Before another word could be said the higher up motions another soldier to approach, Sco's eyes scanned him up and down. A young man, late teens with black curly hair. He didn't look like he had much experience, his eyes still held a sense of innocence unknowing of the brutality of war. His study didn't stop, the young mans clothes looked untouched and the sudden realisation dawned. The Sergeant would more than likely pair them up, Sco's blue orbs  began to shake as he didn't want to be responsible for a young mans death. Before he could argue the Sergeant handed him a letter instructing that they both had to remain in a pair for the time being, a deep exhale came from Schofield's nose as he nodded and agreed. Saluting, the higher ranked man walked off to allow the two men to introduce each other. A silence fell across the pair, they both seemed to be studying each detail trying to find something to figure the other out. Sco already saw something strange, on Blake's near immaculate uniform wield the badge of a Lance Corporal the same rank as him. 

"The name's Tom, Tom Blake"

As if being snapped out of a trance Sco looked upwards, socialising wasn't his strong suite yet already he could tell Blake was the life of the party. Blake's smile didn't seem to shift as Sco continued to stare at him, with fascination for the most part. He couldn't understand how someone could still be this happy after 2 years of fighting yet the warmth of his smile was reassuring, hope radiated from the man which caused the corners of Sco's lips to turn slightly upwards.

"William Schofield"

Extending an open hand to the man they shook with a light grip, their introduction cut short as shouting came across the field. Unable to secure some food the pair rushed off in sync, across the barren landscape dust swept up and across the battlefield like a sandstorm. Entering the trenches havoc broke out, soldiers rushing up and down the trenches, hitting into others, barbed wire going to and fro from the front line. A visible confusion across the men's faces as they tried to ask someone, anyone about the situation at hand. 

"Just stay close to me, everything will be fine"

Schofield reassured Blake as he sensed the man was nervous, his eyes were big and full of fear when nothing had even happened yet. Manoeuvring around eventually they found a Lieutenant who was going over what was happening, the words however were frightening. The German's seemed to be planning something, no one was sure if it was an attack or not  but the risk was too great not to consider. At a blow of a whistle all men began to move again, guns clinking against the walls, heavy panting, people falling and some even crying due to their own fear. Getting to the gun post Sco grabbed two rifles, handing one to Blake he noticed the mans unsteady hands and Sco knew that he was going to break at any moment. Grabbing his arm he ushered him to one of the emptied dug outs.

"Listen, you need to calm down. Panicking will get you no where, just stay close to me. If anything goes wrong, just get out of danger"

Reaching out he grabbed the mans hand and looked into his eyes.

"We'll make it"

With those words a smile appeared back on Blake's face, a smile that could melt glaciers. One that lit a fire within Schofield, he didn't want to lose not now. Moving his hands upwards his fingers brushed against the tobacco tin, his resolve growing within as he knew he had to stay alive for his family. Before he could slide the tin from his jacket he heard a shell go off nearby, getting to his feet he looked at Blake and nodded. They knew what they had to do. Fight. Getting to the commanding officer they listened to their orders, the loud bangs going off every second without a pause, rubble spewing from the ground and hitting off their uniform. Everyone began to run in unison, the sounds of shells getting closer and closer.

"Why are they attacking now?! We have nothing here!" 

Schofield shouted trying to get the ringing out of his ears, the pounding of the bullets, the sludge building on their boots. Sco kept checking behind him to make sure Blake was still there, he felt responsible for the man but in his moment of distraction another soldier running in the opposite direction collided into Sco causing him to fall. Feeling a hand on his shoulder tugging him back to his feet, his boots slid as he found it difficult to keep his balance. As they neared their position a bunch of soldiers pushed up the line, unfortunately due to Blake's frame he began to get dragged up with the bunched soldier's causing Schofield to panic.




A huge bang went off, the bunched up soldiers stumbled but were unharmed. Behind them however, all that was left. A crater and no sign of Schofield.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2020 ⏰

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Innocence Fades (BlakeField)(WIlliam Schofield x Tom Blake)Where stories live. Discover now