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Moorside Academy put on end of term shows all the time. This year, the drama department are under pressure from funding cuts, so must prove that they deserve the money they receive. The Theatre Club is supposed to be a family, but when there are secrets floating around, the cracks in this 'family' start to show.

Can the Theatre Club work together to pull off the greatest show Moorside Academy's ever had?

Can the Theatre Club work together to pull off the greatest show Moorside Academy's ever had?

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So this book will be separated into 2 parts. Book 1 will be about the journey to the end of term show and Book 2 will be the actual end of term show and the aftermath.

I'm only accepting around 10 characters for the main cast in the show so please be detailed with your forms- I need your characters to be usable for 2 books.

Book 1 will start in this same book, when all of the planning is done. Book 2 will be a separate book.

There are 3 school terms. One term usually lasts 12 weeks and is split into 6 weeks, followed by a 1 week holiday, then another 6 weeks. This book will take place over the course of one term.

I haven't decided how many chapters I will write. Also, at the start, chapters will be short but I hope to make them quite long as the story progresses. If you're a fan of shorter length books, this book might not be for you.

All passwords MUST be commented on THIS PAGE.

All passwords MUST be commented on THIS PAGE

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Be diverse:
Please try and include different backgrounds and face claims! The school itself will be diverse so there's no reason that the cast shouldn't be.

Be respectful:
Throughout this process, not just the planning and character making, I expect you to respect me and everyone else involved. If you are rude your character will be removed from the book. Also, when commenting, be respectful. Some people will relate to these characters and see themselves through them, so it's always best to be mindful of what you say. I will not tolerate bullying of any kind.

Be active:
Please comment and vote! Voting is great but I'm more excited about reading the comments! Don't be afraid to have a discussion about characters with me or other readers. I want everyone who reads this to feel like a family.

No Mary or Gary Sues:
This means that no character can be perfect. These students are young and will make mistakes- even the teachers will! Having flawless characters is not realistic and I want this book to be relatable. They can't be confident all the time and be good at everything. Having flaws is what makes us human and they should be embraced.

Only 2 OCs maximum:
This is pretty self explanatory. There is a limit because there are only a small amount of main cast roles. Once the main cast is filled, I may open it up again for smaller roles. I may also accept one of your OCs but not the other.

Declining forms:
I have the right to decline your form. I will tell you what the issue is though and if it is something you're willing to fix, I may accept it again. If you sent in a form but I accepted people who have sent them in after you, this will be because their characters will be easier for me to work with- I will explain this to you though.

My story:
This basically means that I'm writing this and if you aren't comfortable with giving away control of a character, please don't apply. The characters will not always do things that you envisioned them doing. I will always try my best to be as true to the form you've made as I can, though this might not always be possible. This is one reason why I need the forms to be detailed.

More rules may be added and I will tell you to read them when they are.

Password 1 is your favourite colour
Password 2 is your favourite author
Password 3 is to tag ONE person here that you think would be interested in this.

You can't make a form until you've put every password here.


[Loosely inspired by High School Story Class Act from the app Choices and by high school musical: the musical: the series]

TAGS: I'm just going to tag a few of my friends. If you're not interested and don't like being tagged, please tell me through PM's so I don't tag you in the future. Thank you!








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