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he was bewildered at first, he didn't know what was going on. this is just a silly dream, right?

he pinched himself on the thigh. he didn't wake up. this was real. his hands were almost gone and now he had a mark on his leg. ow.

snufkin was frozen with fear, apart from his lips and hands, or lack there of, which were trembling terribly. a million thoughts ran through his head. what are you supposed to do in that situation?

he hesitantly pulled up the sleeves of his night shirt  only to discover that the translucency had made its was up to his elbows.

at this point he could feel tears begin to well in his eyes, he didn't bother to hold them back. his voice was also quite faded, only letting out raspy chokes every once in a while.

he realised that he had two options; figure this out on his own, or get help.

he chose the former.

he didn't know what was going on or what would happen, but he told himself that he could fix it. he was a smart mumrik, he'd be able to figure it out in no time, right?


hahahha cliffhanger whoopsy daisy,,, uhh i wrote this late at night so i apologise for any errors.

translucent | invisible snufkinWhere stories live. Discover now