Untitled Part 2

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I had finally asked her out. Lauren was my girlfriend!!! How did this even happen! And Mat was finally dating Nick. Took long enough of you know what I mean. Okay, so maybe my brother and I had a whole conversation and planning on this stuff but its works out great! If you ask me Matt got the idea from me. Alright maybe not but I need SOME credit. I'm so happy I have a girlfriend now! It's been a day since I asked her out. I hope she doesn't already regret it.

I decided to call Lauren. My little Laubear. I rang her up and menta later I was greeted by her cute voice. "HEYYY!" she shouted. "Why hello to you too!" I laughed. We had a conversation about school and how it wasn't fair that teachers were so rude to students and so on. Until Matt called me for dinner. we said our goodbyes and I joined my brother for dinner. Not long after K was chowing down on some vegan tacos. "So how are you and Nick so far" Inasked through a mouthful of taco-y goodness. He chuckled and took a sip of his stupi all green juice that taste like fart in a bottle before speaking " Good how bout you and your little girlfriend" " We are doing quite well" I responded. after helping him with the dishes I went of to my room and started at my homework.

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