The Funeral

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I never thought I would be planning a funeral for my husband. Thoughts were flooding my head

with memories.  "I'll call my church and talk to my Pastor."

I went to my room and got dressed. As I  headed to the church, I was thinking of how I was going to plan this. I wanted the funeral to be perfect.  A funeral to remind people of just who Mitch was 

a wonderful and gentle man.  " Hi Jaciea, how can I help you?" the Pastor asked. "I need your help in planning Mitch's funeral."  "Well lets go into my office."  I got up slowly and followed the pastor to his office.  "Have a seat." He said pointing the chair.  "Do you have any ideas?" said the pastor. "I have a few." I said.  "Well share them with me." He said. "Well I thought since he was in the military, we could share that and display his certificates and awards." I said. I suddenly realized that would be great.  "Yes that would be ideal. Also sharing memories that you and your kids  have."  the pastor said adding another idea.  I was already thinking of the many memories we had. Thinking of the memories made me smile.  My mind going back to when he was alive and well.  I was jolted to the the present with the pastor saying, " Jaciea did you hear what I said?"  "Huh." I said coming back to reality.  I said,  "Write down the memories of what you have, the highlights of what you shared with Mitch. " the Pastor said. "Yes I will do that." I said. I rose from the chair and headed to the door. "Thank you Pastor." "Your welcome." By the way do you know  what day you want the funeral on?" the Pastor asked.  I gave thought to what he asked.  I came up with the perfect day. "Yes, Saturday. Mitch always loved the weekends." That's great. I'll start planning." the pastor said smiling. 

When I got home the kids were all up. They were  sitting on the the couch watching TV.

" Hi Mom, Where did you go?"  Marti asked inquisitively. "I went to the church to talk with the Pastor about planning Dads funeral." I said." Waiting for a response. I sat down in the recliner. "Mom so how are we  going to plan this?" Sarni asked.  "I am going start with dad being in the military displaying his certificates and awards." I said. "That's a great idea." said Jax and Marti. " We need to write down all the memories, we shared with dad." I said smiling. " Wow, that would fill a book." Jax laughed.  Leave it Jax to say that. He always had away with words. "Lets get a pizza and talk about the memories we shared. "Yum." they all said together.  So the memories started with a large pepperoni pizza.

As we walked into the church, We saw  the sanctuary was filled with family and friends. The Pastor lead us down to the front. The Pastor began to speak of Mitch's life and  asked anyone to share a memory of Mitch.  Hands went up and the microphone was passed to one and they told of their memory.  This went on for thirty minutes. The Pastor then shared a video of Mitch to the song of ' I can only imagine.'  Mitch loved that song.  As the video was showing his life, I began to cry. My sister came down and consoled me.  That was comforting.  We then went to the cemetery where the service men were buried.  The funeral was nice. The Pastor spoke a few words and I was handed the American flag.  The funeral ended with a 3 gun salute.  The kids and I went home feeling sad yet happy. Mitch's funeral went so well filled with love. Our memories filled our hearts. We love you Mitch and we'll never forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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