Chapter 1 - Curiosity

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"I know, but you can always show, or make your shadow explain it for you." Eliza teased, her face going pink from when Max kissed her, she leaned down to catch his lips as well, smiling into the kiss as she felt Max's hands on her waist, directing her to straddle his torso.

"It's hard for me to explain this feeling I have, it's like I crave every part of you, but I do not wish to devour your flesh or cause you to bleed, it's an almost unfamiliar desire that I have- that I once had when I was much younger." Max groaned out into the kiss, his grayish tongue lapping at Eliza's lips in need, "I crave you like how a sinner craves their drugs, sex, violence- all those little desires that put them in hell in the first place."

Max has moved from holding Eliza's waist to feeling her up, his claws gently dug into his flesh to cause red marks and goosebumps to decorate the human body but he did not press hard enough to draw blood.

"I want you- no, I need you. I want to see your face in pure pleasure, pure bliss while I take my time exploring your body, finding all of those little places that'll make you moan for me." Max was now rambling, it was the only way he can tell Eliza how he felt without feeling cornered.

Naturally, Max was an upfront and confrontational type of demon. If he had a problem with you, he'd tell it to your face that he doesn't like you. He didn't care much for other sinners feelings, but when he met Eliza, something changed. Max didn't know what it was about her, but he found himself unable to be confrontational around her, he found himself going soft for her, wanting nothing but the best for her, and in some aspects that was a good thing, but for a highly looked upon demon like himself, it was almost humiliating.

Eliza didn't mind when Max wanted time to himself, or when he doesn't want to cuddle or show any type of affections that'll make him feel weak when they first started dating, but soon she felt that she yearned for him more and more with each passing day, so she decided to be brave and confront him on the issue. At first, Max wasn't pleased but soon after he melted into her arms like a puddle. Now, it was hard to make Max stop giving her affection, and she didn't mind it, in fact she was happy for the fact that the grumpy demon was growing more of a morality, but she did know that he also felt humiliated by it. Eliza took the hints when his face gets red or his pointed red ears would go down in a sign of  worry or shame when she kissed his cheek in public or hold his hand whenever he became angry, she knew he had a reputation to keep up, but sometimes it's best to show those sinners that having a morality isn't a bad thing in hell. Eliza remembered that even Lucifer himself had commented on how there was nothing wrong with showing affection towards the ones you love in public, especially if you have immense power and could destroy anyone with just a wave of your hand if they were to say anything about it.

Eliza smiles as she listened to Max ramble more about wanting to make her feel good. He wanted her to understand that this wasn't for his pleasure, but for hers if it wasn't already clear with his clawed hands now trying to rip the coat off of her, but Max was shaking too much from excitement and nervousness that he didn't have that much coordination to rip the coat off effortlessly from Eliza's body. Max groaned with frustration after a minute passed of trying and failing to get his coat off of Eliza that he grabbed her by her shoulders and nearly threw her on the bed, looming ominously above her body, he sat between her open legs, with Eliza's legs wrapped loosely around his waist.

"Apologies for the rough treatment, sweetheart." Max held a tone of concern in his voice as he leaned down to cup Eliza's chin in his hands and drag his sharp teeth across her parted lips, "but I believe that I cannot hold out on these desires much longer."

Eliza let out a playful laugh as she wrapped her arms around his neck, "and how do you expect to please me when you can't even undress yourself with those shaky hands of yours?"

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