The 6 steps into writing a good Fanfiction!

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Now let's jump into the 6 steps on how to write the fanfiction!

1. Have a plan and outline it. 

If you just jump right into writing your fanfiction and only an idea of what you're going to do, and no plan.. then you're going to encounter writers block and your story is going to crash and burn. You wanna make sure you know what you're going to be doing in the future with the story otherwise it's just not going to work out. This isn't really a mandatory part of it but it is preferable, deffinatly preferable.

2. Build your characters. 

If in the beginning of the story you just list of all of your characters traits and don't really build it into the story then it's kind of boring. I mean, you wanna learn more about the characters as you go on and have a bit of mystery starting off in the beginning of your story. 

3. Don't be too detailed, 

but don't be too vauge. It kind of goes along with number 2, build your character because I so often see people listening off their characters traits very detailed. For example, I'm going to create a character right now out of the top of my head and do what many writers do in their fanfictions. 

" My name is Sabrina, I'm 5'7. I have long, curly blonde hair, with brown streaks and I have gray eyes that are blue in the sunlight. I like to dress like a cowgirl but sometimes I liek to dress punk rock to spice things up bit, My favourite is a Narwhal and my favourite food is tomato sauce..."

Yada yada yada. 

It gets really old, really fast. I know alot of people when they write character fanfiction they're actually picturing with whatever person that is actually a real person. And, uhm.. they wanna say everything they're gunna wear, and how it looks and like 'I put on a purple sweater with kittens on it, blue jeans with one white stripe on the right side and one black stripe on the left. I put on gold converse with purple stars on them and..' Don't do that.. Just don't do that because it gets really annoying and really old and nobody wants to read it. Just kinda keep that part in your head for whatever reason. But, also don't be too vauge. Tell us some things about your characer and maybe a little bit about what they're wearing and how they look but don't do it all at once and don't in just a list of details. Nobody wants to read a list.

4.Don't rush the love story. 

70% of the fanfictions I have read go like this..

Day 1: They meet

Day 2: They're best friends

Day 3: They fall in love

Day 4: They break up

Day 5: they fall back in love

Day 6: They get married.

Day 7: They're all in the future having kids and rabbits and then somebody dies from cancer and then everybody is sad.


If your love story lasts a week then there is something wrong with your fanfiction, it drives people crazy, I'm serious! Take time for the characters to get to know eachother and make your love story last. Build the story, build the love like you built your characters. Don't use too much detail, don't be too vaugue. It takes practise, but you can acomplish. 

5. Be Realistic! 

Don't make really rediculous things happen. This kinda goes along with don't rush the love story into a week because that is honestly really rediculous. I read a fanfiction about 3 weeks after the people met, the guy was moving to her country out of his country to her country, to live near her so he could spend more time with her. He was already in love with her after 3 weeks.

Would that happen in real life? Probably not. Don't do that..

In the same fanfiction, the girl didn't check her phone for like.. a week and then everybody was like "We thought you were dead, because you didn't text us back for a week." and she was like "Guys, I'm not dead. I was just hanging out with these cool youtubers." Don't do that. 

Last but not least..

6. Keep people in character.

I've read fanfictions where the character had tattoos and piercings when they don't in real life, where they act a certain way when they don't in real life. This is ok in moderation but if your character is acting completely different than they would in real life then it's not really a fanfiction anymore, It's more just a story on it's own. Which is ok, but.. if you're trying to write fanfiction, try and keep the character that is a real more like their actual person in real life. Kapeesh? 

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