can chlamydia infection cause miscarriage

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A chlamydia diagnosis might have you admiring if your pregnancy could be at danger. Chlamydia is one of the most popular sexually transmitted diseases (STD), with as several as 1 to 2 million new infections diagnosed every year. But what are the chances of chlamydia infection 

when pregnancy?.

Does Chlamydia Cause Miscarriage?

There is some indication that chlamydia infection could present a role in miscarriages:In 2011, Swiss research of blood, vaginal fluid and placenta samples from women saw a higher rate of symptoms of chlamydia in women who miscarried than in ladies who carried their babies to term. This supports the idea that there is a grown risk of miscarriage in women who are affected by chlamydia.

And in a 2017 review, researchers define two additional microorganisms that are related to chlamydia: W.Chondrophila and P.acanthamoebaeOther Problems Caused by Chlamydia

To add to that, according to this Centers for Disease Control including Prevention (CDC), untreated chlamydia can raise the risk of:

Preterm childbirth

Premature rupture of the membranes envelope the child in the uterus

Low birth weight

Your baby may also become infected with chlamydia during delivery if you're not being prescribed for it, and this can present eye and lung infections.Having had a past chlamydia disease may also raise the risk of ectopic pregnancy, in the role by raising the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease. Accidentally, an ectopic pregnancy is not a viable pregnancy. A prior disease may also cause fertility difficultiesNot surprisingly, this proof suggests that it is a great idea to defend yourself from chlamydia before and when pregnancy and to have it immediately treated if you do acquire it. Although researchers do not completely understand the connection between chlamydia and miscarriage, getting therapy is always a good idea if you have an STD.

You should be examined for chlamydia at your first prenatal visit and repeat in your third trimester if you're supposed to be at a high chance for the STD. Testing is done on a urine sample or a sample of vaginal fluid used with a swab.

Most maximum women don't have signs of chlamydia. If you're pregnant and do have signs, you may experience:

Unusual vaginal dischargeBleeding after sexItching/burning by urinationTherapy for Chlamydia

If you feel you have signs of chlamydia or that you may happen at danger, promptly speak to your doctor about testing and treatment. Fortunately, therapy is very easy.During pregnancy, you can be carefully treated for chlamydia by a single dose of an oral antibiotic called azithromycin. Following that, you should be tested in three to four weeks to get sure the virus has cleared up. You may also be tested for chlamydia over later in your pregnancy, just to be sure you haven't reacquired it

For more Query related chlamydia disease, you may call us 24*7 by given Number 7687878787.9873 322916, or booked your appointment by given link or you can visit our clinic Adress- E-34 Ekta Apartment, Malviyanagar, opposite of, Malviya Nagar metro, Saket, New Delhi

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2020 ⏰

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