Chapter Six

Start from the beginning

Damiar shit I thought I lost back in Texas how is he here he's my ex well technically my boyfriend cause when I ran away I never really broke up with him soooo yeah but I don't love him not after he killed my mom it still hurts he kidnapped me and kept me hostage for 2 mouths it was horrible "Damiar what the hell are you doing here" he chuckled drakly " you thought I wouldn't find you baby, ha! You thought wrong"  I backed away slowly hoping to bump into one of my friends I bumped into to someone but it wasn't one of my friends "Hey" my eye twiched with anger  hearing celeb's voice my best friend who left me to rot I turned around "You!" Maybe I said a little to loud because everyone is staring "How dare you come back into my life after leaving me here with him" I pointed to Damiar "i-" he sounded broken but I didn't care at the moment "No I don't want to hear how could you I cared for so much and when I told you about Damiar you up and left" I felt the tears slowly fall down my cheeks "I'm sorry" he breathed out in a hushed voice I wanted to hug him but I was stopped hear to guns shots in the air everyone gasped "Enough of this shit Y/N you ethier come with me or die" I breath in "I'd rather die than stay with you!" I yelled turning around seeing Damiar in tears as he pointed the gun at me "F-fine if I can't have you, no one can!" I closed my eyes hearing Anthony "No!" I heard the gun shot but didn't feel anything when I opened my eyes they widened "Anthony!" I cried out seeing the blood going through his shirt I fell to my knees holding his head in my lap "I-its okay baby , it doesn't hurt" I sobbed the tears streaming down my face Damiar ran out only to be caught by the police hate him more than ever first my mom now the love of my freak life "Anthony I just want t-to say that you won I fell for the first time I saw I love you p-please don't leave m-me" he smiled lefting his hand up to my face wiping my tears "I love you too princess" I managed a smile my tears as I ran my fingers through his hair for what could have been the last time the paramedics came taking him to the hospital as kairi , Mattia , Alexa, Payton , Alejandro ,and Alvaro tired there best to calm me down on the way there but Payton wasn't helping by being in tears as well "I-its o-okay Y/N d-dont c-cry" Payton managed to say through his broken sobs

Very reassuring Payton very reassuring

3 hours later

The nurse came in the waiting room a slight smile on her face but it was sad because we all look sad "Good news he's alive and somehow awake we did some test but found no sigh of the bullet so he should be able to be discharged tomorrow" I smiled glad he was okay but also confused whered the bullet go he was shot in his side right there has to be one "Can we see him" Payton asked interrupted my thoughts the nurse nodded we all walked to his room seeing him looking out the window his blue eyes were now a dark red "Anthony?" I asked he turned around eyes turning blue again he smiled "Hey guys" Payton ran to him hugging him tightly "Thank goodness your okay!" Anthony groaned in pain as he ruffled Paytons hair whom leg go "Oops sorry forgot" Anthony nodded "it's fine pay" he then looked at me as I stood there "Come here baby" I choked as I started to cry again running to him hugging him he wrapped his arms around my waist "I promised you I wouldn't leave you princess" he chuckled as I cried his chest the others left giving is some time alone "I'm so sorry" I cried out "for what?" He asked "It's my fault I should have stopped Damiar" he laughed "It's not your fault the fucker desvres to die anyway" I giggled as he wiped my tears "So I won huh" I blush in embarrassment remembering I told him that "don't worry I still love but now your mine for real" he kissed me making me smile in the kiss he broke it a few minutes later "As much as I'd like to eat you up right here and now, I'd also like to sleep so" I chuckled getting off of him and walking to the door "Nooooo stay I want cuddles" he whined I giggled "Fine but I have to talk to the nurse first" he nodded as I walked out into the waiting room saying bye too all my friends and telling them to be safe before walking to the desk where the nurse was sitting "Excuse me miss" she looked up smiling "Yes Y/N " I blinked wondering how she knew my name "Anthony was talking about the whole time I was in there" I smiled "I'd like to stay here overnight" she nodded typing something in the computer "Okay miss don't have to much fun in there Anthony told me how much he wants to devour you" my face heated up as I waved to her and walked back into his room "Anthony Revees" he turned towards me face turning pale when he saw me which I was confused about

The nurse came in the waiting room a slight smile on her face but it was sad because we all look sad "Good news he's alive and somehow awake we did some test but found no sigh of the bullet so he should be able to be discharged tomorrow" I smiled ...

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(Hmm I wonder why)

I cracked my knuckles slowly Walking towards him "B-baby?" He gulped



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2020 ⏰

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