Dancing With You

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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x fem reader

Warnings: Fluff, soft!Billy, cuteness, dancing in the rain

P.O.V: The author's

Billy made a growling sound as he listened to the pitter patter just on the other side of his window. He was just about to get out of the house to get away and hide out somewhere for a bit, then the cursed rain had to start pouring. Susan and his dad went to go pick up Max, leaving him home alone, with nothing to do but listen to the gloomy sounds. At least I'm not outside, he thought to himself, closing his eyes and letting his worries escape him.

5 minutes passed.

Then 10 minutes.

16 minutes.

22 minutes. It was pure silence, something that normally bothered Billy, but for some reason he found the faint sounds of splashing and the water droplets hitting the ground soothing. Of course he wouldn't tell Tommy or any of the other people at school of his newfound liking to the Orchestra of Nature.

As his peacefulness was interrupted by his thoughts of someone finding out, he decided to get up and stretch while he grabbed a snack. He hurried down the stairs while humming the tune to a KISS song that was stuck in his head.

Billy finally got to the kitchen and opened up cupboard after cupboard, in search of whatever he could grab and make easily. The humming turned into whistling when he dipped the butter-knife he had grabbed not too long ago into the peanut butter and spread it on his bread, reaching for the jar of jelly next.

His mini jamming session (pun intended) was interrupted by a loud splash near the kitchen window. To say it scared Billy would be an overstatement, he was rather... upset. Grabbing his famous leather jacket, he walked outside, expecting a wild cat or a little brat to be next to his house, but instead what he saw took him by surprise. His jaw dropped to the floor for the first time in years, his heart beating ten times faster, and his smile growing genuine.

There on the little space between his house and the neighbor's, was a girl. She was dancing, spinning, in her dress. She was soaked but obviously didn't care. Billy had never seen her before, or at least he thought he'd never seen her. To him, she was some kind of angel, or a dream. A beautiful dream he wished would come true.

The unknown girl started doing what looked like ballet, striking each pose perfectly, never missing a beat. It was as if she had turned the sound of the water into a melody using just her mind and body. Billy smiled a loose smile, then headed back inside for the day, thinking about the girl again that very night.

The next time it had rained, he came out to watch her again. He loved the way her wet hair dripped the excess water, the way it moved around with her, he loved the way her feet never hit the ground too hard, the way her dress still looked lovely on her body even if the top half of it was wet and sticking to her skin, he didn't care about the other girls at school anymore, all he could think about was her.

The more he watched her, the more he felt the urge to join her and hear whatever it was she was hearing. He wanted to observe her more closely, he wanted to lift her off the ground just like in those dancing movies he recently studied. It was almost 3 months since he had first discovered the angelic woman, he grew a love for her, even knowing that they had never spoken. And just like that, it felt like his body was moving on it's own as he pulled off his jacket and shoes, walking up to the girl slowly.

"Excuse me?" He tried to keep his voice soft, not to alert her in her trance-like-state.

Unfortunately, he did frighten her slightly. She shrieked and turned to face him, eyes wide and cheeks red. "H-how much did you see?"

It was his turn to blush. "Some of it.. how long have you been out here?"

"I came out as soon as the rain started.. I love the feeling of it, as well as the sound it makes. It's the one place I feel safe.. the one place I feel... me. I come out as often as I can... mother says I'll get sick, but it's worth it."

Billy looked down, smirking once more. "One second, let me go grab something. Stay right here, okay?" The girl nodded and Billy went back up to his porch, grabbing his jacket then quickly running back to her and setting it softly on her shoulders.

"What is this for?"

"Well, your mom doesn't want you to get sick and neither do I... you can borrow it every time it rains, and in return..." He hesitated, not knowing if she would accept due to her just seeing and meeting him for the first time. Maybe she knew his reputation? No that would only make her more likely to say no..

"In return, what?"

"In return.. would you go on a date with me?" He lifted his head slowly to scan her face for any signs of a reaction. His eyes darting to her mouth, waiting for a frown or a smile, then darting to her eyes, tempted getting lost in them for a second.

"Of course... uh.."

"Oh, I'm Billy. Billy Hargrove."

"Y/n, Y/n L/n. Pleasure to meet you Billy." She giggled as she felt her face redden. "So..how long have you actually been watching me?"

"If I'm being completely honest...About 3 or 4 months." The young man scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. He was waiting again, he was absolutely sure this reaction would be negative..

"Okay, then you might've learned a thing or two. Would you like to dance with me Billy?"

His head snapped up and his smile was bigger than ever, he nodded quickly and watched her as she spun around under the droplets falling from the sky, her hair becoming damper after she had let it dry while talking to him. She smiled, opening her arms and twirling faster, allowing the sky to devour her in it's tears.

"You coming?" She had noticed his starring, only laughing it off as he looked around as if he had just been woken up by the teacher while sleeping in school. "You're a dork, come on."

She gestured for him to step into the rain, more specifically the middle of the pathway. He followed her directions, eyes practically bulging out of their sockets when she ran full speed at him, jumping into his arms last second. Billy spun her around, savoring the sound of her laughter and the warmth of her body against his.

When the spinning slowed to a stop, Y/n looked into Billy's eyes, taking a second, then leaning down to connect their lips. Sparks flew, they felt more alive than they'd ever really been. As Y/n pulled away, they gazed into each other's eyes lovingly, twin blushes on both of their faces.

"If I'm also being completely honest," Y/n started. "I feel better when I'm dancing with you..."

And now, it was her who was watching his face with anticipation. His eyes were once again wide before he chuckled, "dork." And spun her around once more, grateful for the rain and her music.

" And spun her around once more, grateful for the rain and her music

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