The Tricorn... Pt1?

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Unicorn- Welll, duhhhh, it's a unicorn, telll me you people have seen unicorns before, I mean really. If not go watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. (Ur welcome grey)  so if you're still not gonna, it's a horse with a horn like a narwhal.... and they have magicks. I dunno what kind, I'm not a unicorn.

Dualcorn- I dunno if you guys are slow, but obviously, it's a unicorn with two horns, cuz ya'know dual means two (or something like that. I'm not looking it up). They're more magick that unicorns, cuz they have more horns... (hehehehhe I'm so childish)

Tricorns- This is where the main portion of the characters are... Clearly the title indicates that, duhhhh. So they have... You guessed it, three horns wooooooooow. They're two times more magick that the dualcorns and four times more magick that the unicorns. They have three horns, I wonder how big their heads are.... (hehehhe)

Quadcorns- They have four horns, at this point it should be obvious, if it's not I'm seriousy concerned for your brain. Get that checked out honey.... there are enough idiots polluting the planet already. These are two times more powerful than tricorns, four times more powerful that dualcorns and eight times more powerful that unicorns.

On to the story!!


The sun shone brightly on the meadow, making the waterfall cast pretty rainbows all over the lake below. Grazing in peace were a herd of Tricorns. They were an extremely carefree species, they'd never had to worry about anything solely because they were the second strongest magick species in the world. No one could match or overpower them except the Quadcorns, but they never left their homes, so the Tricorns asserted their power every where the stronger species wasn't inhabiting. They became so strong and worshiped by the lesser species, the Dualcorns and Unicorns, that they no longer worried about being harmed or taken advantage of. Little did they know, they're worst fear, was already coming. It was coming slowly and silently, for now, at least.

The Tricorns ate until they were full and were ready to nap the food away. If only they had been more careful. If only they had left their guards to rotate like they'd once done in the past, maybe, just maybe they would be in perfect condition. But, nooo, they'd gotten too full of themselves and their abilities. They no longer practiced, or left guards out to protect their Prince. They believed him to be the strongest and a rival of the Quadcorns' strength. (He was not, but that had never stopped him from claiming he was in the past.)

Just as the Tricorns were drifting off, two bright eyes, rimmed with little flames, appeared in the undergrowth behind the herd.  There is was. The rumored beast that no one had even seen or come in contact with. Well, they didn't come in contact with it and survive, at least.

It crept around and was soon standing directly behind the Prince. In one leap, it jumped the bushes and chomped down on the Princes head, devouring him entirely in a little under a minute. What was it, you ask?

The one and only Cannibal Tricorn.

He ate the Prince like it was nothing, but a few blades of grass. Blood dripped down his muzzle and onto his dark blue coat. He turned towards the herd, which stood and sat there, shocked at the scene they had just witnessed. His pupils were slowly consumed by the flames around his iris' taking over. Snapping out of their stupor, the herd stampeded away from the attacker, but he was much faster than they had anticipated.

Soon he took them down, one by one, not bothering to eat them just yet. Instead, he took a vital limb, one that they would need to escape him, a hoof, maybe the whole leg if he felt like it. He took them all down until everyone was incapacitated and then turned and ate the colts and fillies, one by one letting the parents watch the sick show he put on.

After the entire herd was eaten and he felt full, he trotted off, giggling and chuckling manically...

Will there be a part two? I dunno, we'll find out when my brain goes wild again. And trust me, it won't be long....

Goddess out~

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