#1 (Reggie Mantle)

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Request: Riverdale imagine the reader is SP sister and Reggie has know idea when he starts flirting with u and even though ur from the southside. Requested by @cokecola4211.

You were a member of the southside serpents but weren't as active as the others. When you moved to Riverdale high school you stopped wearing your jacket and wanted to have a normal life away from all the drama and fights.
At the beginning it was hard for you to find friends, but after a couple of days Jughead introduced you to his friends Archie and Veronica.
You already knew Betty since she was Jughead's girlfriend. You became friends with them as well and when Veronica opened her speakeasy, you helped her and started working there. That's where you met Reggie.
At the beginning, you avoided him, knowing that he had problems with the serpents and your brother, but then you started to discover that he was actually a nice person.

"Hey, you can take off if you want. I'll take this shift" he suggested.

"Nah, that's alright. It's not like I have anything better to do".

"So, I'm not the only one with no hobbies" he smiled.

"Excuse me?".

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to offend you. I just thought that you- that because you said that you had nothing better to do that you-".

"I get it, I was just messing with you".

"Ahm, this is awkward. You've been working here for as long as I have and we go to the same school but I still don't know your name" he was hesitant.

"Oh, not at all. I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you".

"I'm Reggie" he introduced.

"I know".

There was a silent moment for a while before he spoke again "would you like to have a drink?".

"It's okay, I can get it myself" you gestured at the drinks next to you at the bar.

"I- I meant later... at another place".

"You mean like a date?" you were surprised, but not in a bad way.


"Okay. Tomorrow?".

"I'll pick you up at 8".

The date went well and you started going out, until one day, you were wearing a sundress and your hair was tied up in a bun, which revealed your serpent tattoo.


"Yes, babe".

"Are you a serpent?".

"Oh... how did you find out?".

"I saw it on the back of your neck. Why didn't you tell me?" he questioned.

"I was afraid that it'll change the way you see me and affect what's between us".

"I see".


"So what?".

"Does it affect our relationship?".

"No, I like you the way you are. I just wished you'd have told me".

"I know, I'm sorry. I promise I won't keep anything from you again".

"Come here" he pulled you closer and kissed your lips.

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