chapter 1

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Ok I'm just gonna say this is probably not gonna make that much sense and it's gonna have typos also

Y/n P.O.V

'this is gonna suck why did we have to move houses'
Hi my name's y/n I'm 16
I had to move witch is for my dad him and my mum are getting back together witch sucks I never liked my dad (author-chan: sorry if you like your dad) that reason why well he is an alcoholic
My mum thinks he changed
So here we are at his door step
'i wonder do my old friend remember me hmmmmmmmmmm'
"Hey mum" I said "yes hunny" (mother's name) said
"Can I go to my friends house""oh yea go ahead I'm gonna wait till your father gets her please get back here at 3:35 please""yep bye mum love yep""love you two"
            ~~time skip ..... Ummm from Jeff the dancer~~

"Here we go I wonder does she live here HELLO ANYONE HERE
" My throat thats were I heard a door slamed opened "YES WHOS ASKING" at that time ..... I yelled-well screeched "ITS YOUR BEST FRIEND Y/N YOU DICK RRReEEEeeEEEEEEeeeEe""well I'm death""oh shiiiit""I'm just kidding""ok that's good" silent .......still more silent "well bye Tilly" "bye"

Author-chan: hellooooo peopppplllllleeee .... What's that is is that a link or elf

Ben:fuck you I am no elf I'm Ben drowned and you should let me see reader chhhaaaannnn pleaseee

Author-chan: IT TALKS HELP please someone help meh


Author-chan: ruuuuuunnnnnn

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2020 ⏰

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