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Khim , Coleen , Ariana and Ritchelle

You : Khim come here!

Khim : why?

You : Greyson's at the classroom right?

Khim : yup why?

You : just to be sure

Khim : ok!

You : and did you saw Colleen , Ariana and Ritchelle?

 Khim : Colls & Ritch is at the classroom watching Ian and Ariana is not yet here 

You : as always

Both : Late!

Suddenly you saw Gteyson walk infront you

Grey : Hello YN!

You : Hi Greyson! *melting*

Grey : wanna join with me at lunch later?

You : umm S-

Suddenly Lauren Interupts

Lala : Good Morning Greygrey!

Grey : Uh *whispers to himself : that flirt again!? why do i need to see her everyday?* Hello

Lala : wanna come over at my house? 

Grey : sorry but i need to do something later

Lala : aW please?

Grey : i am very sorry

You : umm Greyson Bye!

Grey : K

You and Khim are heading to the classroom

You : *Scream* gosh i never though that Greyson will talk to me and he knows my name!

Khim : yeah right!

Ari : hey guys

You : Ariana!

Khim : hey ARi!

Ari : so why are you screaming in the morning YN?

Khim : cause Greyson talk to him and he is inviting YN to join him on lunch

Ari : Yiee ur so lucky!

You : yeah right

The Bell rang!

3 of you : Gosh the Bell rang! *runs*

All of you sat on your respective sits you are all 

Ms. Guivara is our Math teacher

Ms.G : Good Morning Class

Class : Good Morning Ms.Guivara

Ms.G : Class we will gonna have a project and this by pair so i will gonna pair all of u so Mr.Greyson paired with Ms.YN , Mr. Justin to Ms. Khim , Mr.Christian to Ms.Ariana , Mr. Cody to Ms.Colleen , Mr. Lester to Ms.Rithcelle

So all of you go with your partners and you are so nervous because your partner is your ultimate crush

Grey : hey YN!

You : Grey!

Grey : Grey?

You : oh sorry i mean Greyson!

Grey : no it's ok i find it cute and i like it *smile*

You : ok

All of you are so exited exept you because you hate Math because it is so hard so you try your best to understand what Greyson is teaching you and you notice that every minute he always stares at you and you look like a tomato

Grey : umm YN are you blushing?

You : huh? *hiding her face* sorry

Grey : nahh it's ok your so cute when you blush *laugh*

You : thanks *smile*

All of you finish your project and pass it to Miss Guivara let's skip the other subject

so it's lunch time!

Grey : YN here! bring you Friends k?

You : sure!

All of you sat on the vacant table

Ari : so Greyson why did you invite us here?

Khim : yeah?

Grey : because i am so bored when i am with my friends specially with Lauren and i found out that all of you are fun to be with right?

All : yeah!

so all of you ate your lunch and skip again so Bye bye now!

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