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Hc: being around the worlds greatest detective means your son grew up to be very protective of his parents. Especially his dad, knowing everything that happened to him as a kid.

One of the biggest secrets L kept from the world, along with his identity, is the fact he has a wife and child. You wanted to give your a relatively normal life, as normal as it could be for the child of someone as high ranking as L. He understood the seriousness of keeping L's identity a secret and was trusted by L to go to a normal school and not he homeschooled.

Thanks to you and L being actually good parents (I like L's birth parents) he grew up to be a very respectful and protective person. It was you and L he respected the most. And he was just as protective of the two of you as you were of him. If anyone dared try to hurt either of you he wasn't afraid to throw a few punches.

But the amount of respect he had for his father was ridiculous. Not only had he made it this far in the crime-fighting field, he was also incredibly strong to get though years of abuse from those birth parents of his, and life as an orphan. So basically, if anyone hurt L not only will they have to answer to his wife who'd chew the fuck out, but his son as well who wasn't afraid to fuck someone up.

L taught his son one key thing: don't take shit from anyone. And those words have stuck by him his whole life.

Using an alias, 'Riku Ryuga' was just a normal kid who's parents Ryuzaki and Hanako just so happened to be cops. L picked the aliases Riku and Hanako for you guys as he thought they'd fit in with the fact there was a clear line of Japanese in your family. L being half and then passing that gene onto his son.

Those words were engraved in his mind.

Don't take shit from anyone.

"Riku, you coming to the end of year ball?" A classmate said, waiting for the bell to go.

"Nah, not my scene. Plus it's kind of an important date at home" he replied.

"What date? A birthday?"

"No, it's not a happy date. Some... really horrible stuff happened to my dad that day when he was 4, it's... traumatic so me and my mum need to just, be there for you know"

"Ouch. Even as an adult it affects him?"

"It was bad. Not my place to talk about the details but it was so bad that when he told me I damn near cried for him"

"Yikes, makes sense why you'd need to be there. Sounds like he's spiral if you weren't" the classmate replied.

"He would. But oh well, dances aren't really my thing. Plus it's not like I have a date or anything"

The lunch bell went, and after a brief goodbye he went to go to his locker before the lunch room. He switched out some books and closed the door, locking it and then going to the lunch room. He spotted his group of friends and sat down at the table.

"What'd I miss?" He asked.

"Nothing. Apparently you're not going to ball?" One of his friends said.

"Nah, not my thing. Plus I kind of have to be at home"

"Aww come on man! Come with us. It'll be fun"

"I can't even if I wanted to man. Not the date for it"

"Why you gotta stay home anyway?" Another friend asked.

"You know how shit went down with my dad when he was little? Yeah it's the anniversary of that. Gotta be there for him"

The other boys looked at each other in confusion.

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now