'19 || Christmas Special

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Why didn't I see that coming," you deadpanned on their shoulder as they let out a sheepish laugh.

Proceed to [Scene 2]. «
Try Again? «

If you had chosen A, continue reading:

You crossed your arms and pouted, awaiting their response.

"Who told you?" [P/c] walked up to you and placed one hand on the wall next to your head.

"You." You smirked.

"Is it now?" They towered over you as their other hand trapped you on the opposite side of your head.

"I swear I would've kneed you in the nuts if you weren't my crush," you blurted out rather shamelessly with red cheeks.

"I should feel intimidated but..." [P/c]'s eyes flickered to your lips.

Proceed to [Scene 2]. «
Try Again? «

[Scene 2]
[P/c] leaned in as your lips made first contact. Your heart pounded against the ribcage in your chest as you...

A. Tease (P/c).

B. Rest your hands on (P/c)'s chest.

C. Wrap your arms around (P/c)'s neck.

D. Kiss back but that's basically it.

If you had chosen D, continue reading:

[P/c] pulled away and frowned.

"Did you not like it?"

You looked away.

"N-not here at least," you tugged at your long sleeves. "Sorry if I'm not a good kisser," you continued mumbling.

"No no, it's my fault," [P/c] stuttered, shying away from the mistletoe that dangled above.

"Wanna... grab punch or something?"

"Yes." You took the opportunity to quickly walk away from the situation. [P/c] followed your stride to the food display, occasionally brushing hands with you which led to [P/c] eventually grabbing hold of yours and intertwining their fingers in your hand for the rest of the party.

The most awkward but somewhat memorable confession you've ever received on Christmas Eve. What a dork.

The End. «
Try Again? «

If you had chosen C, continue reading:

You felt [P/c] push their body against yours, pinning you to a wall. Luckily for you, you were in a cornered off corridor. [P/c]'s hands slid down your body and grabbed your waist.

Because mortals and anime characters need oxygen, you broke up the kiss.

"[P/c], I've been meaning to tell you that I actually had a thing for you..." you flinched when [P/c] inched closer and rested their forehead against yours, "f-for a long time and... um..."

Only then realisation hit you that your hands were still on [P/c]'s shoulders. One of [P/c]'s hands supported his weight against the wall whereas the other had wrapped itself around your waist underneath your short dress.

[P/c] then targeted your neck - leaving hickies and love bites which stopped at the wide neck-cut of your dress. At the same time, [P/c]'s hand was busy exploring the unexposed-exposed skin beneath that red dress of yours.

[P/c] has had you hypnotized under their spell - that lustful look in their eyes, their shivering touch upon your skin and their flinching kisses. Only when [P/c] kissed a weak spot on your neck did you snap out of their trance. Your knees buckled and your weight gave way.

One Shots 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ