Senses upped to 11 pt 1

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(Also posted this on archive of our own under @hollysconfusion )

Peter's POV
Waking up at god knows when isn't a good thing, but my sleep's haunted so sue me. It was around 4 am maybe, my head was throbbing, it was like a dull ache so I most definitely was not gonna make a big deal about it!
I dragged myself out of bed and walked over to the bathroom, looking at the mirror I decided I didn't look sick, tired but not sick so to speak, so I deemed myself healthy looking enough to not be questioned. I sat there tinkering with my web shooters for the next 2 hours then my alarm started going off, in the form of FRIDAY.
"Good morning peter, it is 6:05 am, the weather outside is sunny with a touch of showers, you need to get ready for school, captain Rogers is making pancakes" The AI's voice sounded somewhat human, i smiled and grabbed some clothes then headed for a shower.

One in the bathroom i stripped off and walked into the glass confines of the shower, turning the water temperature to be near scolding, because that's how i like it (remind you of anyone?). Stepping under the shower head I turned on the water then relished in the feeling of the hot water running down my back and soothing my now achy muscles.
After about 5 minutes I stepped out the shower and dried off with one of the white fluffy towels that hung on the door. Stepping back into my room I grabbed a pair of jeans, a science pun t "all the good puns Argon" was written on it in bright blue lettering, a shirt my uncle Ben had bought me before he died.
After getting dressed I made sure I didn't look sick which I was not!. Walking out into the common room I smiled seeing all my family sat at the table waiting for me. I plonked down next to uncle Bucky and auntie Tasha then uncle Steve slid a plate towards me with pancakes stacked high doused in maple syrup, it looked so good! I grabbed my fork and dug in. The pancakes tasted great but I really wasn't hungry so I ate one then left the rest. Uncle Steve looked at me with his brows furrowed "not hungry?" I nodded, he looked over at uncle Bucky who raised his brow at him so he nodded at me "they taste real good uncle Steve but I'm just not really that hungry, I'll eat at school though, promise"
Uncle Bucky smiled at me which meant they believed me so I got up, swung my backpack onto my shoulder then slid my other arm through the strap. "Bye everyone! If I don't go now I'm gonna be late" there was a chorus of "bye pete" and "see you later kid" I smiled and walked into the elevator to be taken down to happy's Car.
-time skip brought to you by Bucky making biscuits-
Once I arrived at school I walked straight to class, I was a few minutes late because of the New York traffic which happy was swearing about all the way here, yeah that really wasn't helping my head.
Walking into the class I excused myself for being late then sat down next to my girlfriend, she looked at me a small smile tugging at her  lips.
"Hey loser, what took you so long, oh and before you ask ned's off sick" I nodded and smiled. "Well the new thorn traffic is brutal" she rolled her eyes but then the teacher started to speak again.
I tried to concentrate but it was difficult since my head was still throbbing, it hurt worse than when I woke up but I still ignored it thinking it wasn't anything but sleep deprivation.
——————another time skip——————
I was sat at my table in physics, my head was hurting like crazy, this was bad, I was hearing people from the Spanish class down the hall, and the screeching of a chair from upstairs, the machines in the engendering room, the slow hum of Mr Harrington's computer. Oh god it keep getting worse, these lights are too bright and I can smell the perfume all the girls are wearing mixing together and the food from the cafeteria and the- oh god I'm gonna puke, I'm gonna fucking puke (sorry steve). I quickly got up not caring what Mr Harrington was saying and knelt down near the trash can at the front of the class, humiliation was not the first thing on my mind right now. My stomach wouldn't stop doing summersaults and then I was emptying the contents of last night's dinner and the one pancake I had for breakfast into the trash can, I felt a hand on my back starting to rub up and down. "Peter, we should get you to the nurse" that was mr Harrington, oh god his voice was too loud, I quickly clapped my hands over my ears and shut my eyes, my clothes felt too scratchy for my skin and then someone had their hand in my pocket and my phone was gone, but then I heard a voice I knew but it was all too loud I couldn't take it! "Too much input" that was all o could manage to mumble out, I heard laughing a lot of laughing, god this is too much this is all too much.

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