Leading you out of the room. You swear, if you weren't gasping like a fish out of water, you would kiss Paul right then and there as a thank you. Wait, Paul's here? When did Paul get here?

Your brain struggles to catch up as it lost some precious oxygen that keeps it going. Struggling to realise that it's Josh who is shooting at Orion by the door. Providing cover for Paul as he runs over to help you walk and that Orion is somewhere in the room. Possibly waiting for Josh to run out of bullets to attack. 

Paul lets go of you, pushing you towards the door. As you limp towards the door, you trip and fall. Groaning in pain, you lift yourself onto your knees. Allowing you to spot the gun you left behind as you thought it would be useless. 'As if I'm making that dumb mistake again' you scold yourself as you reach for the gun. With the gun n in hand, you get up to push the doors and limp out. Catching a glance back to see Paul helping Josh who seems to be in a rageful mood.

You really hope it's not aimed at you. 

Once outside the room, you collapse in the middle of the hallway. Coughing hard, as you struggle to breathe. You quickly hide the gun you took before Josh or Paul can see and take it away as they exit the room. " We got to move now, so get the fuck up." Josh angry shouts. Already a couple of steps in front. You feel yourself getting lifted by gentle hands once more. "Not so fast! Y/n nearly choked to death!" Paul defends. Helping you walk down the hallway once more with your arm over his shoulders.

"I don't give a shit. If we don't go, then we're all dead. And I will leave their asses behind! It's their fault we're in this mess" ah, his rageful mood is aimed at you. That's great. "Now come on! I managed to hit the bastard but it won't stop that shit from coming to kill us!" Josh yells. 

As Josh begins to run down the hallway, you feel Paul starting to pick up the pace. You feel panic spread throughout your body. You can't leave now! What about Venator? What about Orion, you have to help him too! "No, I can't go" you hoarsely whisper. Josh and Paul both stop to look at you in shock. Josh turns back to give you a look of pure rage. "What the hell do you mean?" Josh yell in your face. 

Paul doesn't speak up, being just as confused as Josh. You wish he did as Paul has become your favourite out of the duo. "I-I mean, I need to go to Venator" You weakly explain. Too tired and hurt to care about reveal such sensitive information. "Who the fuck is Venator?" Paul softly asks in confusion.

You let out a huff as you tried to get out of Paul's grip. "I need to go find him" you state stubbornly. Only for Josh to shake his head angrily. "No, we need to get out of here and return to the car." Paul's grip tightens as you weakly struggle against him. "No I need-" "I don't care what you need, we're leaving!" Josh angry yells. Bring his gun up to hit you on the head. The last thing you hear is Paul angrily yelling Josh's name. No doubt going to scold him for his harsh treatment.

The world fades to black as you get carried/dragged by Paul down the hallway. As the two soldiers work their way out of the maze of the base that's on fire. Along with an alien chasing after them. 


"Where the hell is reinforcement?" Joe hears a fellow soldier yell out. Yelling over the loud firing of guns as the party of soldiers try to defend the hallway against the alien that's pushing forward. Firing his weapon that sends bolts of plasma that easily kill them in numbers.

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