chapter one <3

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words written like this are thoughts.
enjoy !! 💕🦋✨

kairis pov

"kairi baby wake up."

i woke up to mattia shaking me softly.

"dude, what the fuck, ur gay bro." i said in a raspy voice, i was in my bed and it was bright in my room so i was squinting my eyes.

i had a gray hoodie on and gray joggers.

i sat up slowly and looked around my room, it was only me and mattia. "dino, what happened last night?"

mattia sat down near my feet. "you invited me and alex to hang out but you fell asleep, i asked your mom if i can stay here because, you know, my dad."

i nodded, still squinting my eyes, "so where'd you sleep?"

mattia smiled before saying anything, "right next to you shorty." he winked at me which made me blush.

"ew bro!" i made a disgusted face and slowly got out of my bed. "i'm gonna take a shower, okay?"

mattia followed me with his eyes, "can i join you?" he smiled at me again.

i shook my head then i giggled a bit and went to go take a shower.
the hot water felt good on my body. i did what i usually do in the shower, sing, dance, do youtube videos, argue with my soap, and rethink my entire life.

once i got out, i wrapped a towel around my waist and went back to my bedroom where mattia was doing a tiktok. "turn that off so i can change." i said standing in the doorway.

"okay okay," he grabbed his phone and turned to look at me, "woah u look cute, i think i'm catching feelings." he started to stare at me which made me sort of embarrassed, "stop." i walked to my closet to pick something out.

"ima go home now bye bye baby." mattia hugged me from behind and kissed my forehead.

"your gay bro." i turned around to look at him.

he rolled his eyes "would u rather me to be mean?" he said sternly while crossing his arms.

"bye mattia." i waved to him and gave him one of those "go away i rlly don't care" smiles.

i shook my head and turned back to my closet to finish picking out my outfit. it was summer so i decided to just have a white t-shirt and jeans.

i went downstairs where i saw my sister watching tv and my mom making eggs, bacon,(grits) and pancakes. "smells good mom." i said smiling while also pulling out a chair for me to sit on.

"thank you sweetie." my mom turned and gave a me quick smile.

"so kairi, how was your sleepover with your boooyfriennnd?" maiya asked me turning to look at me where i was sitting in the kitchen.

"shut up maiya and watch your stupid show." i rolled my eyes and looked at her.

"it's not stupid." she mumbled turning back to look at the tv.

once my mom was done, we ate, my dad was working but he came out to eat with us.

"so kairi, you wanna go out to dinner with us?" my dad asked taking a bite of his pancake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2020 ⏰

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