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I turned around and was taken aback at what I saw. A man, he looked to be around, 30? But that's not the point. This man looked different, yet somehow familiar. His face had tons of make up on it, which made him look ghostly white. His eyes were different colors, one white and the other brown. He wore dark lip stick and dark make up over only one of his eyes. His hair was jet black.

He is beautiful. I wish I had my sketch book with me so I could draw him.

'What are you doing in my house..?'

he sounded disgusted.

'Your house?! This is MY house!' My voice raised. This was most certainly not his house.

'No young lady, This is my house, I bought is about an hour or two

ago. I own it.'

I was startled.

'No....No Sir, You are mistaken, this is my house. I live here with my mother and my older brother.' I stated.

He shook his head.

'Listen girly. I don't care if this used to be your house. Maybe your family left without you, but in any case it is mine now. Please leave.'

I could feel tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

'Sir....' is all I could manage to say.

The man rubbed the bridge of his nose.

'I will call the previous owners, lets get this straightened out'

I let out a sigh of relief.

The man reached in his pocket and pulled out a cell phone. He dialed the number and held it to his ear.

'Hello Ma'am' he said.

'Yes, the house is terrific' he said

'You have seemed to have forgotten your daughter here...' he said

There was a moment of silence and I would feel my heart stop. Surely she couldn't have forgotten me here.


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