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"i can't believe you're leaving me." she said, a few tears escaping her eyes without permission.

"i'll be back before you know it." he said, hugging her tightly as she wrapped her arms around his waist. she was at least six inches shorter than him.

"maybe, but how long is that?" she replied, moving her head off his chest to look at him.

"doesn't matter. i'll call you once a week, at the very least." he told her.

"you promise?" another tear escaped her eye.

"i promise." he said, gently placing her head back on his chest, as he rested his head on top of hers.



"i want you to know, that when i tell people about you i call you my brother. i love you. you're more than just a friend to me. you're family."

"damnit, Percy, don't make me regret taking this job."

she laughed lightly, "i would never, i know how much this means to you," she once again removed her head from his chest, and placed her hands on either side of his face, "and i'm so proud of you for accomplishing something i'll never have the chance of doing-"

"shut up," he covered her mouth with his hand, "trust me, i'm going to convince them. you're on meds, you should be fine."

"yeah, should be. there's no promises that something won't trigger them to come back."

"Percy, i swear on my life that i will get you the job you deserve- that you've worked so hard for but can't achieve because of something you have no control over."

"Derek, trust me, i'm fine. when i was diagnosed they told me it was unlikely that i would be able to achieve the goals i wanted to in life, but i achieved so much more than they thought possible. and i gotta admit, i'm just happy knowing that i got to prove them wrong, and got to shove a big "fuck you" in my dad's face for making me this way. it's more than i ever could have wished for. and i am so proud of you for getting yourself into the BAU. i never, and i mean never could have gotten that far. but it's nobody's fault, except for maybe my father's, but even he didn't know that my brain would cope by creating different personalities. he never could have known he would cause me to develop D.I.D., despite what he put me through."

"Percy, I-"

"don't tell me you're sorry, because it isn't your fault. you couldn't have known. and even so there isn't much you could have done to stop him. i'm proud of you, and i need you to go into this job without guilt weighing over your shoulders. understood?"

"yes ma'am."

they looked at one another in silence for a few moments before she backed away from the hug.

she waved him away, "now go, before i force you to stay."

he gave a sad smile, a single tear running down his cheek, "i love you, Persephone Castellanos."

"and i love you, Derek Morgan, always and forever."

"always and forever." he repeated.

Derek then got in his car, and drove out of Persephone's drive way. that was the last time she would see him for ten years.

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