The ceremony started and Laura entered with a beautiful white dress. She joined Joe who had tears in his eyes and the ceremony began

"Do you want to get married one day? Tris asked me

- I hope so. I said laughing

- I'm sure you would look gorgeous in a wedding dress Mia. He told me and I blushed slightly. I looked down at Brad's clenched fists. He had heard

- What are you playing Tris ? I said whispering

- I want to prove that he still loves you. "

I smirked before turning my attention back to the bride and groom. The ceremony was very moving although the weddings do not necessarily remind me of a good memory. After my little conversation with Tris, Brad had taken pleasure in kissing and making Julia laugh. He knew I was bubbling inwardly but I had nothing to say because I was just his ex. We got out of the church and Tris noticed my discomfort with the situation.

" - Hey are you okay ? He asked me

- I ... It's hard for me to see him kiss another ...

- tell yourself that there are no feelings behind their kisses

- He knows very well that it annoys me and he plays with it! I said angry

- So enter his game Mia

- What do you mean ?

- He loves you so seeing you close to somebody would irritate him but seeing you close to me he is going to freak out, I am his best friend. He said winking at me

- Precisely you are his best friend and you cannot risk losing this relationship...

- He'll kick my ass the first time, but he'll realize that I did it for him.

- Yeah ...

- So you agree?

- You're one of my best friends ... It's weird ...

- Exactly, think about the fact that it's just friendly. He said embarrassed

- Okay...

- Perfect !

- Instead of talking, are you coming ?! Told us Brad

- Where are James and Con? I asked

- You would know if you weren't busy confiding in Tris. He said bitterly

- Baby, it's okay. Said Julia taking his hand. James, Con and the girls have already left for the reception hall

- Oh I see, thank you. I said without looking at them too much

- OK, we can go ? My car is over there. Said Tris »

The 4 of us headed for Tris' car where I got in the front while the couple got in the back.

We had a 20 minute drive and the car ride was silent, not that much since we heard the other two on the verge of making out in the back seat. Seeing my nervousness, Tristan put his hand on my thigh and caressed it gently with his thumb, something that Brad often did.

"- Tristan, the car makes a strange noise, maybe you should pass the 5th. Told him Brad

- Yeah, you're right. He shifted his speed before resting his hand on my thigh again

The Street (English) - Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now