Chiron's suprise

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Hi my thing has gone crazy and it deleted half of my first chapter so my second chapter is actually the second part of the first chapter. Hope you enjoy. . .

. . . As he lead me to where the others were standing. Nico is my best friend. He has always been there for me even when he was in a dark place himself. Don't get me wrong I have a lot of friends but I have two best friends which are Nico and Leo. I've known Nico for longer than I have known Leo so I consider Nico a best friend and Leo more of a second best friend. Leo is just as awesome though and I love them both.
I stood at the front of the crowd while people were hugging us and shaking our hands and saying how lucky we are and that they wish that they could be us. It was great being the one getting the congratulation than being the one to give it which is what I would normally do.

After a while Chiron ushered us into the meeting room of theBig House, unlike outside the house was quiet and peaceful.
"Sooooooo" Chiron said after some time "how was my surprise?"
Percy was the fist to reply "it's amazing but is this some sort of quest? Do we need to look for someone, or is there some job that we need to do while we are there. . . ?"
"No, this is just a trip to say thank you for saving the world and it's to a school that can do different things just like you people can do. Think of it as an integration year"
"We get to stay at this place for a year? That is insane but in a good way. We're going to have so much of fun, Leo said looking utterly amazed.
"Yes I do hope you have lots of fun, but remember you are to learn what they learn. Oh but you are not expected to do the examinations but are expected to participate in classes and activities. So in actual fact you are going to live like a bunch of wizards. Are there any questions?"
I wanted to ask, why? Why put me on a trip with people who have achieved such greatness? I wanted to ask why did you put me on a trip that says thank you for saving the world when I hardly even did anything to save it or the people in it. I was always on the side lines. Believe me I wanted to fight, but I guess they didn't need me. I was of no use to them.

"Sammy are you okay?" I heard Nico say.
"Miss Harrison would you like to ask me a question about the trip?"
"Why?" I said so softly only I could hear it.
"Sorry Samantha I'm afraid I didn't hear that, what did you say?"
"Nothing uuuuuuummmmmmm when do we leave and how are we going to get there?" I asked desperate to change the subject.
"Yes well thank you for bringing that up. You will be leaving tonight and I have absolutely no clue as to how you are going to get there all they said was that you will be traveling in pairs" Chiron said glancing at his watch "Holy Gods Of Olympus you children are late go and pack your things and meet back at the big house I will be waiting here with the transportation go now and hurry they will be here any minute"

I rushed back to my cabin and basically the whole cabin putting a charm on my bag so it could fit everything inside it. As I opened my door I came face to face with the Ghost King himself.
"Can I be your partner?" He asked
"What would you do if I said no?"I replied
"Oh Samantha Harrison I would die but . . . I would bring you to hell with me"
"Of course you can you bone head"
"Well technically everybody is a bone head. Come on we need to go now, the carriages are waiting for us" he said pulling me by the hand toward the Big House.
Wait did he just say carriages?

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