Goodness she feels even lighter than before... Has she been eating decently? Surely those bakers kept her adequately fed? That thought would have to wait. She smiled, a small one, but stunning nonetheless, "Thank you..." If I was warm before, I'm burning now as she lay a delicate peck to my cheek. Before letting her head rest against my chest.

Oh my gods, help.

I'm going to die tonight.

Too precious...


I have to set her down before I do anything I'm going to regret..!

To be frank, I dont remember tucking her in. Or getting my medication from the kitchen, nor actually taking the cursed tablets. Or even grabbing a blanket from my stockpile. All I remember is staring into the darkness of my room trying desperately to calm my erratic heart.


Why do I feel like theres water in my head? Gosh, I just want to stay here in the comfort of my bed till this feeling blows over. What on earth happened last night?

I remember sitting on the couch at Kizano's mansion, and then...nothing? I can't even remember what I dreamt about last night. My entire body feels like it's full of rocks.

Did Kizano do something to me? Did he instruct the kitchen staff to slip something in my food..? No, probably not. He's eccentric not sadistic. I hope.

I better get ready for the day... Daily ritual at the shrine. Yoga with Aso. Amao wants to show me the bakery. Also I must get Senpai a new book. I feel so bad for him... My poor dear must have been devastated when the oujidere knocked it into the fountain... Its been so long since I've seen him...

Gosh I miss him...

I must get through the torture first. Gods why do I feel so awful? I propped myself up and began to shift myself left to get out of the comforters sweet, warm embrace. But the edge of the bed seems to have disappeared...

Along with my confusion came the scary realization, this isn't my bed. This isn't my home. I'm still at the drama king's house... Yet, he seems to be missing. I'm still clothed, so thankfully he wasn't dumb enough to try anything.

But where is he?

The left side is cold, no body heat present... Indicating he either didn't sleep here or he had left a while ago. Both options being good news as well as bad.

Bad because I'm still in his bed and good that he isn't present. In any case, I need to leave. Now.

I turned over and slid off the right edge, careful to move quietly. If he did drug me with malicious intent... Then I could be in danger, theres too many people here and I can't control this supernatural rage strength... Yet.

The room was dark, either because I have once again awoken earlier than normal or this is just a really dark room. I snuck over to the couch to retrieve my phone and wallet, I froze seeing the oujidere sprawled out on the couch. Seems like he played the smart card. Thank gods.

After retrieving my items I began sneaking to the door. I hope I can find my way out of this maze... Barely making a sound I had managed to get out of his room into the dimly lit hallway. Judging by the rising sun, I'd says it's near six a.m..

Good. That's leaves plenty of time to cater to my annoying rivals needs and take care of ensuring my loves happiness. But how do I get out? Maybe I could jump out a window? Judging by those black devices I probaby shouldn't, probably a alarm system. For all I know this whole place is most likely rigged. I need to get out, I don't want to be caught escaping.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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