jakie and Simon

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»oh wow I never thought I still had these«
I looked at every little game I had in that box, included the gameboy that was with it.
»I thought I lost all of them... even That Pokémon game that I loved so damn much!«
I stop unpacked half of the box, and took a good look at all the games I still had.
'why did I even stopped playing these games? they're awesome!' I thought to myself, and plugged in the one Zelda game
»hm, looks like I was a good player, huh. but why did I named them BEN? well, I'm a mysterious person after all« I said, then throwing the toy on the couch, and continued unpacking the box.

»Eliiiiiiizabeth! sweetie! I got you a large Peperoni Pizza, and a Coca-Cola, not sponsored, so what am I getting now?«
I rolled my eyes and laughed a bit, facing the 20 year old man, with two pizzas on his arm
»well, If you come over here, I'll show you, jakie~«
he grinned and closed the door with one foot, walking over to me.

»first, you could give me my damn pizza, and thank me that I didn't left you alone with these boxes«
I grabbed me my pizza, leaving Jake with a unsatisfied look on his face alone.

after we finished the pizza, Jake threw the boxes in the trash, and I placed the last thing on my old shelf, that I loved so much.
»You want to watch a movie, or already go to sleep?«
»oh... Yeah ok«
Jake put in the movie, and sat on the couch.

after the movie, where I lay on Jake's lap, with Simon on my chest, I went in my room, and Jake in his.
As I lay in my bed, I couldn't keep myself from noticing, that I felt like someone was watching me...

hey you cuties :)  are you good? bc I'm FIIIIIINE :D

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