Thomas and the Magic Railroad 2: Lily's Return (part 5)

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I stood up front on Thomas's cab, watching the scenery go by. But all too soon we began to twist and turn down the tracks, trying to outrun Diesel 10. "You can't keep running all day, puffball!" Diesel 10 yelled behind us. "Its only a matter of time before your coal runs dry!" I ran back to Thomas's coal tender and indeed Thomas was very low on Sodor coal! "He's right!" I called to Thomas, "You're almost out of coal!" Thomas explained to me that he must have used most of it up while searching for the new conductor, (me), rescuing me from Diesel 10 on the bridge, and now the chase was taking the last bit of coal that he had. Thomas wasn't gonna last long, and Diesel 10 was gonna keep chasing us until we had no more energy left to run! "We have to loose him!" I called, "Great!" Thomas called back, "Any ideas how?" Diesel 10 was starting to catch up! Pinchy was leaning towards Thomas's tender. Pinchy snatched the air, mere inches from Thomas. Just then, Diesel 10 mustered up all the speed he had. He was getting closer and closer until Pinchy lunged at me! I managed to duck out of the way when I heard a loud, "Crash!" Suddenly, we were coming to some switches. I quickly waved  to the signal master just a quarter mile from us. I was signaling for him to switch the tracks. As soon as Thomas and I passed, the signal master switched the tracks on Diesel 10; sending him down hill on a completely different track. Pinchy munched on the air trying to grab a hold of Thomas as he passed, but barely missed. Diesel 10 tried to apply his brakes, but he wouldn't be able to stop till he got to the bottom of the hill. I sighed in relief, but then there was trouble. I finally stood up and noticed that Thomas was slowing to a stop. "Thomas, what are you doing? We have to keep going!" I said. Thomas grunted and said, "I can't, my wheels wont turn! I can't move at all! Check my cab controls; there must be something wrong with them!" I turned around and gasped. Diesel 10's claw had knocked itself into Thomas's cab controls. "Oh great! There's a big ol' dent in your cab controls! Diesel 10's claw must have knocked into your cab when he tried to grab me!" Thomas thought for a moment then replied, "Lily! You have to drive me!" "What?" I said, "I may have lost control over my movement, but if the control panel isn't too damaged, I can be driven manually!" "I-I don't know, Thomas. I know how to drive, just not how to drive away from an evil DIESEL!" Just then I heard Diesel 10's cackle coming from the other tracks. "Lily!" Thomas said regaining my attention, "Little engines can do big things! But best friends together can do anything!" Diesel 10 obviously hearing our conversation said, "Oh how cute, its all up to Sparkle Shorts to save the day!" Said Diesel 10 in a very annoying tone. My head was brimming with doubt, "what if we couldn't outrun Diesel 10 in time? What if he catches up to us before we even start? Or worse: what if I crash Thomas?!" I didn't realize that I said it all out loud. "Don't worry about all of that Lily! I know you can do it! You helped me and Junior find Mr. Conductor! You solved the mystery behind the lost engine! You helped to bring Lady back to the Magic Railroad! You've hiked the island, all by yourself with Diesel 10 almost always on your tail! You know what all of those situations have in common?" Not wanting to interrupt Thomas's speech, I didn't answer. Thomas smiled and continued, "Now matter how hard things got, you never gave up! Come on! We've dealt with Diesel 10 before, we can do it again!" Filled with a new boost of confidence, I nodded and said, "Alright then!" Looking down at the control panel, I pulled back a switch and pulled another one forward. Thomas's wheels began to turn, faster and faster they went. Just as I saw Diesel 10 slowly chuffing backwards up the mountain! I pulled the second switch further which in turn sped Thomas up. "We've got this show back on the rails!" I yelled. "So!" Diesel 10 yelled as he finally pulled onto our track. "Sparkle Shorts is at the wheel now! I can't wait to see how this turns out!" Diesel 10 chuckles and chases us down the track. "You're doing great Lily! Now we just gotta loose Diesel 10!" Diesel 10 chuckled and started gaining on us! I looked around, I had to think of something and quick! Just then, I noticed a large pile of dirt just beyond some broken buffers. That gave me an idea! I began to drive Thomas towards the pile of dirt. Thomas looked at me, very confused, "Uh, Lily, I don't mean to sound distrustful, but you're about to drive us into a dead end!" Thomas yelled. I leaned in and whispered, "That's what I want Diesel 10 to think!" Thomas began to piece it together till it finally clicked. He smirked at me when he realized what I was doing. I drove us as quickly as we could go, with Diesel 10 close behind. Diesel 10 smirked when he saw the broken buffers on the tracks ahead. "Looks like its the end of the rails for you puffball!" That's when I took out my whistle. Leaning it close to my lips, ready to blow. Just as we were mere seconds away from the pile, Thomas shuts his eyes. I concentrated hard on Tidmouth Sheds and everyone there. I took a deep breath and blew into my whistle! "PEEEEEP!" Gold dust came flying out of the whistle, twirling around Thomas and me. The gold dust covered my vision in a golden mist as we disappeared from the tracks. Diesel 10 however wasn't so lucky. He tried to apply his brakes, but it was too late. He bashed through the buffers and plopped into the dirt. Diesel 10 growled angrily, he officially had a new enemy. It took almost an hour, but thanks to his claw, he managed to pull himself out of the dirt and back onto the tracks. Then he quickly chuffed away before he could be spotted by anyone else.

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