Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin were in a shop picking up things for the women. Gu Hai picked up almond cookies, banana cakes, muffins of all kinds, rice puddings, mango ice cream, steamed sponge cakes and a box of snowflake cake.
  "The babies are going to come out obese," Bai LuoYin said, giving side eye to Gu Hai.
  "They won't," Gu Hai reassured him.
  Bai LuoYin rolled his eyes. "Look at how much sugary snacks you're putting into the cart," he said, poking at a box.
  "Oh, live a little sweetheart," Gu Hai teased.
  Bai LuoYin wacked him in the arm with the flier that he was holding. A woman nearby eyed them.
  "You see how he abuses me?!" Gu Hai said to her, rubbing his arm.
  "Gu Hai," Bai LuoYin mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed. His side of the cart was filled with healthier snacks. Nuts, fruits and grains to go with flavored yogurt was what he had picked out.
  They were in China's largest sweet shop. There were people shopping because it was popular for their fresh items. Colorful pastries, cakes and desserts were displayed behind shiny glass counters. The employees were all dressed in red with black aprons on. The store itself was very colorful. It looked as if it had been built with a box of Crayola crayons.

  Gu Hai pushed the cart and they moved up a bit. Bai LuoYin walked up to a shelf and stood on his tiptoes to reach something higher up. Gu Hai watched as he did this and grinned. Bai LuoYin's round rump looked plumper than the peaches that were in the cart.
  Gu Hai leaned close to his ear when he came back down and whispered, "Get one more box for us."
  Bai LuoYin reached up one more time to get another box while Gu Hai tilted his head to the side to steal another wicked glance at his ass. He grinned again as Bai LuoYin turned to eye him suspiciously. He shrugged as if to say, nothing, and kept moving. He was so in love with Bai LuoYin's unawareness. He loved the way that his wife moved.
  Bai LuoYin walked over to something else, picked it up, and read the nutrition information on the item. Gu Hai casually walked up behind him, looked around to see if anyone was watching, then thrusted his entire front into Bai LuoYin's buttocks.
  Bai LuoYin's eyes went wide and he stiffened. He frantically looked around to see if anyone was watching. Thankfully, no one was. He glared at Gu Hai, who acted like nothing happened. He was busy looking at something in his hand.
  They moved towards another aisle. This one was a bit crowded and hard to get to certain items. A couple squeezed by and smiled at them. When they were out of the way, Gu Hai wrapped an arm around Bai LuoYin's waist and moved him aside. Gu Hai pretended that he was in the way, when it fact, he clearly wasn't. Gu Hai only wanted an excuse to touch him.
  That one move from Gu Hai had sent immense pleasure throughout Bai LuoYin's body. The way Gu Hai pretended that he was up to no good had Bai LuoYin losing his cool. He wanted to hit him in the head with something. But, it was hard to deny the heat and the thrill that came from this man. His man.
  "This looks good," Gu Hai said, softly. He held up a box of flavored whipped cream. It was meant to remind Bai LuoYin of their own sexual encounter with whipped cream in the kitchen. Gu Hai ran his tongue shamelessly along the bottom of his lip.
  Stop, Bai LuoYin said with his eyebrows. He frowned, but deep inside, he secretly wanted to play like a child.
  Gu Hai put the box back onto the shelf and walked past him saying, "Stop what?" He flexed his body as if he had a tightness in his shoulders. 
  Bai LuoYin frowned again. He let his eyes say, you know what.
  Gu Hai eyed his surroundings again, moved up so that their faces were inches apart, and whispered, "I don't know what you're talking about." His voice so deep, it vibrated along Bai LuoYin's skin like a warning.
  It was amazing how Gu Hai made Bai LuoYin feel as if they were living a teenage love affair. Bai LuoYin could feel the heat coming off of Gu Hai. He knew it was made of love and passion. He was suddenly grateful to be alive to experience this with the man he loved. Naughty or nice.
  Bai LuoYin allowed him to play his game.
  They moved to another area. This time, they were in a corner of the store. When Bai LuoYin went to pick up something, Gu Hai went for the same item on purpose. Their eyes locked, and Gu Hai caressed Bai LuoYin's hand with his own. He let the electricity of their love run over their skin like lotion. Deep in Gu Hai's eyes, he saw them grocery shopping with their kids. One in the cart, the other sitting with his tiny legs wrapped around his neck. He would carry him as if he were a donkey, Bai LuoYin's donkey. Something he would forever want to be.
  Behind Bai LuoYin's eyes, he saw what Gu Hai would become. A caring father, always loving husband, and an even vicious lover. He saw a future of happiness. 
  Close by, an elderly couple watched. They smiled at each other. They knew all too well what it looked like to be young and in love. They did not care that it was two men. Love was love. They were happy for them and moved along because they didn't want to be rude.
  Bai LuoYin broke his hand away first and blushed. It would always be overwhelming the way Gu Hai loved him.
  This didn't stop Gu Hai though. He looked around, moved closer to his lover, and backed him up against the wall. Bai LuoYin looked so small under him. They locked eyes again. This time, they just looked at each other. They took in each other's eyes, nose and finally, lips. Gu Hai felt the magnetic pull. Bai LuoYin felt it as well and lifted his chin a little, yearning to taste his husband's magic.
  Gu Hai began to lowered his head and as he made his way towards his lips, visions of him kissing Bai LuoYin that time when he first bought them cars and gifts entered his mind. The way Bai LuoYin had fought him in the car seat brought a quick smile as his lips touched down. Gu Hai kissed him gently, only lips.
  Bai LuoYin slowly closed his eyes and recorded this moment in his mind. Once upon a time, he fought Gu Hai in moments like this. Now, he surrendered. He loved burning up on his husband. He was the wick to his husband's flame. Even though he always lost his senses, he loved the way he burned. As the kiss grew to something more, he ran one of his hands up along Gu Hai's arm, the other went to the side of his face.
  It was always nice when they simply kissed. It was always something sexual with them, but those rare moments when they just kissed or held onto each other were memorable also.
  Gu Hai alternated between deep tongue action then back to sweet and simple. He played with the kiss until he felt the need to reach down into his lover's pants. He broke the kiss abruptly and went to turn away, saying, "Maybe we should get some-"
  Bai LuoYin grabbed him by the shirt collar and pulled him back. He kissed him like he was thankful to god. He kissed him and fought back tears of happiness. This man was going to ruin him, but he didn't care. To hell with caution, he thought, and kissed Gu Hai hungrily. He didn't care if anyone saw them. Was he changing? Was he becoming someone different? No, it was love. It was just love.
  When they finally stopped. Gu Hai couldn't stop laughing at the way Bai LuoYin walked after. He walked as if he were love drunk, like he had gotten weak in the knees. His steps were all wobbly as he adjusted his clothing. They headed towards the check-out and Bai LuoYin hit Gu Hai on his arm again. "This is all your fault," he cried.
  "You have no control of your hands?" Gu Hai asked.
  Bai LuoYin gasped at how he was being blamed.
  Gu Hai chuckled and said, "Stop losing all your cool."

  When Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin arrived at the house, Ying Yue and Jiang Yifei were digging into bowls of some strange mixture.
  "What is that?" Bai LuoYin asked curiously.
  Gu Hai took a peek and made a face. "Is that ice cream and ketchup?" he cringed and half gagged.
  "It is so good! Try some!" Jiang Yifei said, holding her spoon up for him to have a taste.
  Gu Hai backed up slowly and held a hand up. "No, thank you. I had some yesterday."
  Ying Yue laughed. "My cravings are so unusual," she frowned. She dug her spoon into her bowl and popped it into her mouth happily.
  "We bought healthier snacks," said Bai LuoYin. "Too much salty foods aren't good. You two should have more fruit and nuts."
  "I bought you two yummy snacks," Gu Hai said as if it were a competition.
  The women's eyes lit up and they flocked towards Gu Hai's bags gleefully. Gu Hai looked pleased and Bai LuoYin glared at him with a promise of discipline in his eyes.
  They sat around the table and started to chat.
  "Gu Hai," Ying Yue said, "tell me about your mother."
  For a second, a sadness passed over Gu Hai's face. Everyone saw it, but just as quickly, Gu Hai brightened up with a smile. "My mother was beautiful. She used to make me laugh a lot."
  Ying Yue frowned a bit. She was aware that he had used the word, was. Come to think of it, she had never met Gu Hai's mother. Then it hit her, his mother must have passed away. "I'm so sorry," she said, "please forgive me."
  Gu Hai shook his head and said, "It's okay. Even though she is gone, I think about her every day."
  Ying Yue saw the way his eyes softened when he said that and her heart felt. She could tell that he had adored his mother.
  "She used to sing to me at night and spoil me with snacks," he said. "She would take me for walks, play with me and save me when I got into trouble with my father."
  Bai LuoYin smiled. It warmed his heart to hear Gu Hai talk about his mother in that way. It was so loving and he felt a little guilty that he never asked about her. "Did she spank you when you misbehaved?" he asked.
  Gu Hai laughed out loud. "She grabbed my ear when I was bad. This may come as a surprise but I wasn't always this adorable," he grinned.
  Bai LuoYin rolled his eyes and said, "You're a terrible liar."
  The women laughed.
  "I miss her," Gu Hai continued. "I wish she were here to meet Bai LuoYin," he said. His features softened as he looked into his wife's eyes. "She would have liked him," he added, "just as much as I do."
  Bai LuoYin blushed and tried to hide it.
  Ying Yue said, "Aw!"
  Jiang Yifei melted from how cute they were together. She looked at the guys with a sparkle in her eyes.
  "My mother was the kind of woman who loved to laugh. My father always made her laugh," Gu Hai said. "She used to make Origami things for me. She taught me that it was more than just paper. It took art and a bit of science to make them. She would leave them on my desk and in the bathroom when I went to brush my teeth."
  "That sounds wonderful," Ying Yue said. She had only asked about his mother because she wanted to know about Gu Hai's upbringing. She wanted to know if he had known a mother's love. From what Gu Hai had said though, she was pleased. He did know about a mother's love. It was very clear in the way that he spoke. She felt comfort in knowing this. To add to her contentment, the way that Gu Hai loved Bai LuoYin wasn't just for show. She admired the way Gu Hai showed his love. It was never restricted, limited, restrained or even controlled. It flowed as naturally as a river.
  "I wished that I could have met her also," Bai LuoYin said, looking down at his hands, shyly. Even though he were amongst the women, he felt the need to say it and didn't want the opportunity to pass him by.
  Gu Hai half smiled and then his expression turned serious as he said to Bai LuoYin, "If she were here, she would scold you on hitting her son!" He waved a finger at his wife.
  Bai LuoYin gasped. "You donkey, she isn't here to do it, so I have to! You do naughty things!"
  "What kind of naughty things? Tell us," Jiang Yifei giggled. Her interest was for her pleasure only.
  Gu Hai leaned forward on the table and glared at his lover, saying, "Yes, Bai LuoYin, what naughty things?"
  Bai LuoYin felt the dare as if it were a slap on the hand. Gu Hai's eyes laughed at him. He knew that he wouldn't dare tell them about the heat and thrill in the sweet shop. Bai LuoYin got up from his seat and went to unpack the healthy snacks he had bought. Then, he thought of something. Something Gu Hai had forgotten about. "Gu Hai, your ice cream is melting," he said, pleased with a win.
  Gu Hai jumped up from his seat and rushed to his bags. He started unpacking his things. When he bumped into Bai LuoYin at the refridgerator, we quickly said, "The ice cream is melting just like you were in the sweet shop, huh."
  Bai LuoYin's eyes twitched.  


"Are You Still Addicted?" Book One (Addicted Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now