The Party: Part One

Start from the beginning

What if I am? No, of course not. The only guy I think about is Ram, and it's because I hang around his sorry ass too much.

But right now, at this party, he was thinking differently then he had been. Now he had been thinking that maybe he was attracted to Ram, maybe he wanted to stare into his galaxies of eyes, maybe he wanted to comb his hand through Ram's chestnut brown hair, and just play with it for hours. Maybe he wanted to pin Ram to a wall and make out until the rest of the world drifted away and all Kurt could feel was Ram's soft lips and Ram's breath as he sloppily kissed Kurt. All he could think about was Ram. 

Ram. Ram. Ram. Ram. RAM!

Kurt couldn't deal with this pressure. It was just too much. He needed air. He then came out of his thoughts and back to the party to realize that he had been standing in the middle of the dance floor for about a minute or so. "Hey man, you ok?" One of his teammates on the football team asked. "Uhh, ya, I just need a breather." Kurt grabbed his beer off a shelf and went outside, only to find ram making out with Heather McNamara, one of the Heathers. 

So much for a breather...

Kurt decided that he never wanted to see another Heather again, although he found McNamara the most tolerable and the easiest to talk to. One time, he was talking to Heather McNamara and it almost slipped how Kurt felt, which was confusion, towards Ram. They were having an every day conversation, when Heather asked Kurt who he 'had a crush on' the most in the school. Kurt normally talked to Ram about the hottest girls that walked by, but they had never talked about who they wanted to be in a relationship with. And Kurt and Ram talked about EVERYTHING together, it just seemed to be a sore subject for both of them. When Heather asked that question, it was basically her throwing a curve ball. Kurt said, "R....Really I don't know if i'm looking for a relationship. It's more fun to go around, if you know what I mean."

Kurt could not handle this anymore.

While Ram was in the middle of kissing McNamara, Kurt grabbed his arm and pulled him away, to another part of the yard that they were in. "What was that for, mannnn? I was getting it on!" exclaimed Ram. "I-I just... I don't know man! Don't you think the Heathers are toxic?" "Aaare you kidding mann? They are like the hottest chicks in ssschoooll!" Ram obviously had too much alcohol, and started leaning on Kurt, wrapping his arm around the shorter boys' torso, until he was almost hugging Kurt. The other arm was still being grabbed by Kurt. This position and how vulnerable Ram was made Kurt blush even harder, until he had to look away, or else he'd be called a fag. After standing there for a couple moments, chest on chest, Kurt decided, "You need to get some sleep, man. You are going to have one hell of a hangover. Ram snapped back with, "tthhis iss my party, mann! W-what happened to you? I'mmmm FFFIIIINNNNEEE!!" Just as Ram said this, he slipped off of Kurt's body and almost fell to the ground, if not for Kurt catching him. Now, they were in an almost Bridal position, except Ram's feet were still on the ground.

"F-fine my ass! It's time for you to go to bed, dude." Kurt hauled Ram up until he actually was in bridal position and carried him to his room. Ram had a king sized bed, and Kurt gently placed him down and shut the door. Ram was almost instantly sound asleep, snoring away. En yet, even though he was a drunken mess, Kurt still somehow thought that Ram was the most beautiful thing he had layed his eyes on. 

Then the beer kicked in. 

Kurt all of the sudden got really tired, and thought that maybe there was enough space for two people on the bed. It was King sized, after all. Kurt flopped next to Ram on the bed, and off to sleep he went. Kurt dreamed about being in a castle, some sort of prince locked away in a tower. He was unhappy, and all he had was a window. One day, he saw a knight ride in on a horse and demand to save the prince locked away. He saw the prince fight the guards, and enter the castle. All he could hear then was foot steps coming closer to his door. Next thing he knew, the knight was kicking down the door. The knight took his helmet off, and it was revealed to be Ram! Ram grabbed Kurt by the waist and pulled him in for a tender kiss. 

All of a sudden, Kurt woke up with a splitting headache. Where was he? He then realized that he was being spooned by someone fast asleep, and their arm was rapped around him, all cozy. If it weren't for the headache, this would have been nicer. He could feel the person softly breathing down his neck. Then he remembered what had happened the night before, and realized that the person cuddling him in this bed was, in fact, Ram Sweeney, the man he loved. 



Thank you so much for reading this! this is my first fan fiction, and if you have any constructive criticism, please let me know! I don't have a schedule or anything, but don't worry! It will update at least once a month! Things are about to get spicy up in here! And should I just keep it third point of view only towards Kurt, or have it from Ram's side too? Please let me know in the comments. Thank you again,   S.B. 

Word Count: 1691 words

Rough Love// Kram (Kurt and Ram) Heather's FanficWhere stories live. Discover now