first plan

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momos POV

 so like when me and my friends and i were younger we were told the same story over and over again every days and night it was told to us, i still remember the first time we were told if we were to go into the forest that surrounded us then we would get lost and the monsters that live there would eat us up. to be honest i kind sacred us. the story that our caretakers , midnight ,mt. lady,  Ryukyu, and 3 other people(don't at me i'm in a hurry to write this and i didnt know anyone else from the top of my head so yaaa....) they told us that in the past 3 girls went into the forest and was never seen again. but of course they would make it over dramatic but in my own words thats what i would say in my own words anyways as a little kid of course it would traumatize me and the other girls. 

some of the girls and i  always wondered what if we went into the forest  or what's on the other side of the forest. i always liked to read books that were provided for us i was more into romance, there's this one story were there is a girl and boy that are split but the forest that restrict them from seeing each other, i read that one several time, it was my favorite growing up i still read it, and that's why i sometimes wonder if there's something on the other side of the forest

"momo-chan~" i turn around to see tsu, ochako, mina, hagakure, and jirou walking toward me and waving at me "you spacing out again that's like the fiftieth time this week"

 mina yells at me. in my response i shake my head and give them a smile, the whole time i was spacing out took up 3 of my morning blocks, i got really upset to that news but i carried onto the rest of my day.

 when the girls and i got back to our dorms i collapsed in the living room exhaust cause of our last block gym and ms midnight worked us to death the rest of the girls didn't even get past the front doors so i look around and knowing that no one was around i took off my shirt and walked very slowly up the stairs toward my room and collapsed on my bed and before i realized it i was asleep, when my eyes closed i saw a light in the middle of it i saw a person with short flat hair but their hair was very different like i mean there hair was half red and half white, and before i could see the face of this person i open up my eyes and looked at my clock. it was 2:00 am i walk to my window and looked at the front of the dorms where the entrance is and i couldn't see the girls anymore so i just assumed that they went back to their rooms, as i  was about to go back to bed i saw smoke that looked like it was controlled on the other side of the thick forest, i stared at it but before i could notice the mist starting to forming over the forest again i saw the smoke to start to die out, i walked back from my window and ran into the hallways still without my shirt and screamed out for the girls to wake up and meet me in the living room, everyone slowly made their way to the living room "yawn~ momo why....did... you drag" uraraka still half awake mostly asleep

i explained to them what i saw and their eyes went from almost closed to wide open, "what that means that there is someone there and they need out help we have to help!"

i had a plan but i thought it was too risky especially with our caretakers watching all the girls but i knew that there were more of us and less of them so i thought that we also had a chance at my plan "ok here's the plan..."

todoroki POV

bleh i fell so sick after aizawa made us work our butts off after bakugou started to pick a fight with midoriya and iida got into it then other people started to crowd around, i was the only one that was sitting in my seat by the bell and as soon as aizawa walked in bakugou was about o throw a punch to wards midoriya's face but stopped mid way when him and aizawa made eye contact. he glared at us which made everyone rush to their seats, but the damage has been done "Ok class looks like your training last block will be intense, say thanks to the bakugou and izuku" aizawa says calmly

welp that happened and walking toward the dorms i could see the other boys walking slower than me but i rush to my room so i could sleep. when i got to my room i tried to reach my bed but i collapsed as soon my door shut behind me and just slept where i laid. when my eyes were closed it was dark but then i saw a light and then a forest then i saw a someone with long brown  hair that reached a little past their shoulders. then it was pitch black then i saw a younger version of me listening to story about the forbidden forest, a forest that if you entered then you would never be able to leave and would be lost forever and die a slow and lonely death or you go crazy and kill yourself. this scared all of us when we were little so we stayed far away from the forest but as we grew older we became more stronger and some were not sacred of the story but now it's one of our rules now to prevent someone from going there.

i wake up sweating i look around me still on the floor i stand up and go downstairs and look at the clock. it read 1:40 so i decided to go for a walk and to my surprise i see midoriya, bakugo, idda, kirishima, kaminari, tokoyami and sero around a fire. i walk toward the fire and with me being very quiet i scare everyone "the fucking hell half n' half bastard why are you always so quiet, we thought you were one of the caretakers" bakugo yelling while whispering

i ask him why he's whispering while yelling at the same time which to me is very surprising, the boys looked around and told me the other night midoriya saw a flame from the other side of the forest when the mist was lifted and apparently this was a week ago so he thought that there was someone that needed our help or there was someone that got lost in the forest. i was confused when they said someone got lost in the forest because we'd  notice who was missing so we thought  there was someone from our older classes that we didn't know got lost but they would know better. we all looked at each other and i asked what we should do "i think a few should investigate whos out there and if they need our help we need to get them, we had the plan to find closse rocks and make a path for ourselves so we don't get lost and only a few of us only went. midoriya, me, bakugo, ojiro,kaminari, and  tokoyami would go the next night. this was our plan to find out who was in the forest and what there doing there and  if they need help then well help them


so like this is my first time writing something like this so hope you guys enjoy this comment if you would like other ships oki bai hopefully people read this kind of trash😅😅

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