Nobody's Home

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She walked in for miles, and ran in circles. She lost her mind, and people though she was crazy. people though that it was bad to have your head in the clouds, but that's what they teach kids to do.
they tell you dream, but as they grow-up they say to come to reality.
she jumped and tried to fly, but she fell, and tried again. she hid in her head, and her clothes, and hid behind a fake face and name. she didn't smile a lot, because she didn't have a lot to smile about. somethings made her happy though. but she keeped a straight face, and was meh about a lot of things.
she smiled and laughed sometimes, because she human. but how much is she human?...

People say that a dreamer is good, but they only dream. but she, makes her dreams, a reality. she's different, but more than you think she is. she had powers no one ever knew of, in and externally. but manly internally. and she wanted to show everyone that she was more than just a quiet, shy, loner. she wanted to do so much with her life, but she didn't know where to start.

***we are going to go into her view of her life. and she does think in her head, but doesn't always say something. (these will show what shes thinking.)***

I was in PE, and the three'o clock bell rang. I talked to my friends that were still there and waited for the next bell. (I wanted to go home, but at the same time I didn't.) I got up when the bell rang and walked upstairs and outside. I waited for my car and went home. (I knew one day I would have to tell people how I really feel, but I didn't. I waited for one day, but never said anything.)
I watched YouTube videos and listened to music. like I always did. but I felt alone, because no one knew how I really feeled. and what really annoyed me was when my friends would say there "depressed" but I'm actually sad, and hurting. and they think it's just a joke. but I guess that's why I like to be alone.

And when people ask me 'what's wrong?' I say that I was thinking, which I was. But when I'm actually in pain, no one is ever there.

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