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I walked towards the night class. "So this is the place that horrid Headmaster sent me to." I mumbled. I teleported into the class, too lazy to walk through the doors. "That hurts...That hurts..! That hurts..!! That hurts!!!" I heard a boy with Blond hair and Blue eyes yell towards the girl with cream colored hair and brown eyes. I scoffed, crossing my arms and closing my eyes, and everyone turned towards me.

"This class looks troublesome indeed. I'd suggest piping down, or no learning will be able to happen for those with low IQ." I opened my eyes and stared directly at the vampires in the far back. "Aren't I right....Kaname Kuran?" Everyone gasped when they heard the way I said his name. Eventually shutting up when he spoke. "Forgive the class, would you mind introducing yourself?" He asked, more like demanded. "Ahh, right. Well...people know me as Fumika Kurisu-"

I said before he cut me off. "But that's not your true name is it..." I glared. "No. No it is not. Indeed, I am a vampire who also hunts other vampires, but I am an Aristocrat. My name is Hinako Aido. With utmost respect, don't take offense to our first meeting Lord Kaname." I replied. More gasps were heard around the room, when the blond came running down to me. "You said your name was what!?!" He yelled. I glared and teleported to the other side of the teacher's desk.

"That's far too close, You better back off." I spat. He gulped. "I'll repeat it only once. My name is Hinako Aido. To what importance is it to you?" I seethed. "Now, why the anger? This is a civil conversation." A different blonde said. I ruffled my hair and made sure that my tattoos were covered. "What are your names?" I interrogated. "I am Takuma Ichijo. This here is Hanabusa Aido." My eyes grew wide, then immediately hardened.

'This boy...holds the same last name as me...It sounds so familiar...but...from where...?' I shook my head. "If you think we're familiar to each other, then your wrong. I do not know you, nor have I ever met you in my life." I informed him. I walked up to the door, and looked back. "I shall start class tomorrow. It seems I am not wanted here at the moment." I stared at Kaname dead in the face, and smirked before leaving.

I walked towards the office after hearing that Headmaster Cross called for me. I knocked on the door and walked in. "All I got is this girl and she's useless!" Zero pointed his thumb to Yuki. I rolled my eyes and just stood off to the side, after closing the door softly. I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall. "I'm out of-" I looked up at Zero as he turned around to leave. He shook his head and walked out. I scoffed snd walked towards the Headmaster's desk. "Hey, Kaien. Do me a favor would you?" He got serious and looked at me. "I ne-want to know everything about Hanabusa. He sounds familiar to me, but I don't know why."

Kaien fixed his glasses and crossed his arms. "I'll do what I can Hina-" I glared at him. "Please call me Fumika." He pursed his lips. "Of course. I'll do what I can, and whatever information I can't give you, You'll have to find out on your own." I nodded and crossed my hands infront of me. "So, what was up with chinchilla and squirrel just now?" I smirked. "Hey! I'm still here!" She argued. I rolled my eyes. "Sorry Squirrel, what was your name again?" I turned to her. She sighed and sweat dropped. "It's Yuki Cross!" I nodded.

"Well, see you around Headmaster. You too, Yuki." I waved and walked out of the office, making my way towards the Moon Dorms. I sat in bed and thought about my life before I became a level S hunter. I turned my head towards my window. 'To be honest, I don't remember anything at all...' I shook my head and went to bed.

Next day at Night

I roamed around the dorm, when I smelt blood. 'Who...Whose blood is that?' I teleported to the scent and caught that Hanabusa piercing that girl Yuki's hand with his fangs. I had met her earlier when I was talking to the headmaster. "Hanabusa that's enough coming from you." I glared and smacked him with the butt of my anti-vampire scythe on his back. "OW!! HEY!" He yelled, immediately tensing when he saw me. I noticed a presence behind him about to shoot. Quickly teleporting behind him, I pushed the person's hand upward. "I'm afraid that weapon is very dangerous to us. You might want to be careful where you point that."

I stated and looked up at said person. My eyes widened. "Z...Zero..?" I whispered. Him having the same reaction. "Fumika..?" Zero immediately hardened his glare. 'So this is how we meet again...except this time...he finally knows what I am.' I jumped back as he tried to kick me. "Hello Zero..May I ask Why are you trying to attack our new student?" I heard Lord Kaname ask as he walked behind Hanabusa.

"I don't have time for this." I spat and teleported back to the dorms. I sat on the sofa that resided in between the stairs. My eyes closed, thinking that I would have some peace, only to be disturbed by Hanabusa and Akastuki. I sighed as Hanabusa kept going on about how good Yuki's blood tasted. Kaname came out and slapped him. "You just?!" Akastuki told Hanabusa off, Until he began to yell. I opened my eyes and glared. "Will you please be quiet! I just wanted some silence." They both visibly flinched and stared at me. I rubbed my temples and stood up. "Jeez, can no one get a single damn moment of shut eye!?" I walked away and towards the stairs, not before taking a glance at the two with my eyes glowing red.

She's Back..Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora