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As soon as you saw the black haired, teal-eyed adult arrive, you could not have been more shocked, but once it all settled in, you were standing in the Lost Cities, meeting Sophie Foster, the same girl from your books.

"Sooooooo..." Sophie says to Alden as the Council crowds themselves around your little trio. "You're telling me that this is the human girl that is supposed to know all of our future events and such?"

Alden nods. "She's the specific one we've been looking for."

More people that you knew the names of join the Councillors, some of them being goblin bodyguards. 

"Well," Sophie smiles and holds out her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you..."

"Y/N." You introduce yourself.

"And I'm-"

"Sophie Foster, I know."

Sophie blinks. Then she laughs. "Guess I'm gonna have to get used to that, huh?" You smile.

Keefe's POV

"That's a human?" Keefe whispers to Fitz as he peers between the Councillor's shoulders. "I thought they weren't supposed to be all that attractive."

"Seriously," Fitz rolls his eyes. "She's not that pretty. Plus, you can't actually be falling for her. She's a human."

But Keefe was already pushing through the crowd.

"How am I ever going to keep that boy in control now?" Ro grumbles. "Poor human girl doesn't know what's coming." She and Fitz quickly follow him.

Your POV

"Hey there." You turn around to see the person you are most excited to meet. His messy blonde hair looks even better in real life than it did in your imagination. But you try not to think about it. "I'm Keefe, but I'm sure you already knew that." he says.

"I'm Y/N." You smile patiently and hold out your hand. He takes it, but instead of shaking it, he yanks you closer, wrapping his other arm around your waist.

"I look forward to getting to know you." he says while smirking. You push him away, rolling your eyes and trying to hide your blush.

"What was that for?!" you snap.

"Couldn't resist." he replies flirtatiously. "They told us humans were ugly. Wasn't expecting this."

You roll your eyes again, this time puffing out a sigh along with it.

"Aw, looks like you really do already know me. Which means you must know you won't be able to resist the Hair for much longer."

"Keefe, why can't you be normal?" Sophie grumbles. "You don't have to flirt with every girl you see."

"Aw, c'mon, she's pretty cute for a human."

"Thanks," you mumble sarcastically.

"You'll fall for me eventually." he promises.

You raise an eyebrow. "We'll see about that," you say, barely resisting rolling your eyes again.

And at that moment, dealing with Keefe Sencen flirting with you under the watch of the Councillor's and the rest of the 7's gaze, not to mention their parents and bodyguards who'd joined the meeting, you decided to shove your feelings for him deep down inside.

You were not going to let him win.


I hope I didn't do too bad on this first chapter. I can't wait to hear from all of you! I will warn you, I am a slacker and a procrastinator. So I apologize in advance for any later chapters, but I'll try to post AT LEAST every three days. (this is me from the future, knowing damn well that I couldn't even keep up with that.) (this is me from 2 years in the future, and it turns out I actually like to post annually 😃 I wish I was joking)

I love you all!

I guess it's time to go start that social studies assignment that's due tomorrow. -_-

Lol I messed up the tags -_- ah kill me

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