Meeting His Match (Ouat FF)- Master at the Game of Seduction

Start from the beginning

"Let's hope not," I mock, before turning around and walking back to my tent.


Once I was dressed, I grabbed a crossbow and made my way to where I saw Bae taken away. The other boys were looking through the camp while Felix, Pan, and I checked the woods. I leaned down to the ground, touching the drag marks in the dirt, and following where they led. I got up and followed them. They stopped at the river Pan took me to. I sigh. Looks like this is gonna take some work.

"What did you find?" I hear someone ask from behind me, making me look to see Pan there, also with a crossbow. I turn around, pointing to the tracks.

"See those? Those are drag marks. My guess when that thing took Bae, it dragged him to the river, then took a ways down in, then continued on the other side," I say, walking along side of the river's flow. I hear Pan follow.

"Aren't you supposed to be following another lead, Pan?" I ask, not taking my eyes off of the river. I hear him scoff.

"So I'm Pan now?" he asked. I turn and glare at him.

"When you piss me off, yes. You're Pan," I say annoyed, then turn back to the river. I hear him chuckle.

"You know, I'm kind of surprised you don't use your magic to find him," he comments, making me look back at him.

"Cheaters never win, Pan. Remember that," I say, then continue to look into the river. That's when I see a line of rope stuck in the mud. I pick it up to see it leads to the other side of the river, then more tracks. I turn to Pan with a victorious smirk. "See?"

I stand up and jump over the river, then turn to Pan. "Well, are you coming?" I call, before walking along the trail of tracks.

We walked for a while, conversing every now and then. The trail just seemed to go on so we decided to make camp since it was getting dark. Pan was out getting fire wood while I made small little beds. He came back with some branches in hand.

"You okay, Love? You look a little down in the dumps," he says, placing the woods in the circle of rocks. I nod, not meeting his eye.

"I'm fine," I say, looking at my feet. I could still feel his eyes on me as he started the fire, and sat next to me.

"What's wrong, Love?" he asked, making me look at him. I sigh, looking away.

"You seriously need to stop doing that," I mutter, making him look at me confused.

"Stop what?" he asked. I scoff, looking towards him.

"Whatever game your playing with me. It won't work because you're cheating," I state in a 'matter of fact' tone. He raises a brow, tilting his head to the side.

"How am I cheating, Love? I thought I was playing a rather fair game to be honest," he admits, laying back on the dirt, his hands behind his back. I scoff, mimicking his actions, turning my head to look at him.

"You're trying to trick me in order to win. When playing a game, you have to be honest and fair. Not, playing with the other players' minds," I say, watching as he looked at me, then up at the sky. I follow his gaze to the starry night. He pointed to two big ones.

"See that one? Second start to the right?" I nod. "That's a portal to all the realms. Straight on 'till morning and you could be anywhere you desire," he whispers in my ear, making me suppress a shiver. "Maybe even back in time. I could take you back to the time you became like this." And there it is. I sit up, smirking down at him.

"That's what you're doing. Trying to get information about my weaknesses and strengths," I figure out, making him look at me confused and sit up.

"How did you-"

"-I'll give you a hint. My grandfather was a knight. So, he taught me a few things," I say to him. He looks at me for a moment before chuckling, looking away.

"You're harder to deceive than I thought," he muttered looking back at me. I smile at him smugly.

"No, Handsome. You just don't know how to play the game right," I say, my accent pulling through as I stand up, holding a hand out for him. He takes it standing up, slightly taller than me.

"When playing the game... you gotta have a strategy," I say smoothly while taking his hand in mine. "You gotta have a patience," I say as I lace our fingers together. "And you gotta have..." I trail off, looking up at him. I lean up, brushing my lips against his. He leans forward to kiss me but I pull away, looking at him through my eyelashes. I smirk at him. "... loopholes." I pull away from him completely and walking across camp, laying down on my little mat.

I hear him scoff, shaking his head. "Is that all, Love? Or what that just an excuse to try and kiss me? I know I'm irresistible but..." he trailed off with a smirk. I roll my eyes at him.

"No, that's not all. But we both know that you wanted to kiss me," I say smugly, making him roll his eyes and walk to his mat next to me, laying down and closing his eyes. I laugh, laying on my side to face him. "It's okay..." I trail off and lean to his ear. "I wanted to as well, Pan."

I then turn over to my side and close my eyes, knowing full well he's looking at the back of my head with wide eyes.

He may think he's winning, but he isn't. I'm one step closer to figuring out his full plan for me. He wants to play a game? Well, he's in for a treat. I'm a master at them. He's not going to win this one.


LOVE YAL!!!!!!

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