Dreams may come true.

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After Solomon and his angel friends left the House of Lamentation, you remained in your room, thinking about the dream you just had. The whole 'Alice in the Devildom' thing got your mind preoccupied. You were actually sad. Not because you liked living like Alice in the Wonderland, at all, but because that fantasy, with Lucifer demanding you to marry him, was just a scenario your lovesick mind came up with.
A loud knocking sounds was coming from your door.
Beelzebub opened the door slightly and pecked in. At the sight of you, he smiled and entered. "I'm glad you're alive. You haven't came out of your room for 2 hours after Solomon left and I thought he killed you or something." You gently smiled at the orange headed boy. "Thanks for your worries Beel. I'm fine, I was just deep in thoughts. Anyway.. I most certainly did not expected you to check up on me, Mammon is usually doing that." Beel nodded in agreement. "Don't think he's the only one who cares about you. I'm sure we all care for you. I came here because Mammon is locked in his room, by Lucifer, of course. I wanted to make sure you're ok." You stood up rom your bed and walked next to Beelzebub. "Hey, wanna grab a bite. I bet your way to my room got you hungry." 'Even tho you're always hungry.' The boy's face light up at the mention of food. "Yes, please. If you won't mind me requesting, I would like a cheesecake. Please, (Y/n)?" We don't have an already made cheesecake, like those from the bakery, but you had the ingredients in the house, surprisingly being the fact that Beel haven't eaten them by now. 'Cooking? Maybe it will take my mind away from the dream.' "It's ok Beel, I will cook one for you. Meanwhile you can eat your supplies for now." You knew every brother very well, so you knew when Beel had food and when he hadn't. Beelzebub grabbed me by my hand and dragged me towards the kitchen.
In the way to the kitchen you could spot Lucifer in the halls, yelling in front of the Mammon's room door. Mammon will always be Mammon though. He threw a glance at the end of the hall, noticing Beel dragging you. The last thing you saw on that hall was Lucifer heading after you and his brother.
When you got in the kitchen, you saw the ingredients already prepared. You looked after Beel, but he seemed to left the room before you could ask anything. The next thing you knew was that Lucifer was right behind you, resting both his hands on your shoulders. "Why did Beel dragged you over here. I hope he's not forcing you into cooking for him." He sighed quietly, the breath that just left his mouth feeling on the top of your head, making you shiver a bit. "No, it's not like that. I had a lot of things on my mind and cooking might calm me a little." You started mixing the ingredients. The elder brother hummed at those words. "What could overwhelm your mind like this. As the so called... Caretaker of you in Devildom, I am worried about you, (Y/N)." Your face started heating up, and the fact that his hands were now massaging your shoulders wasn't really helping at chilling. Anyway you tried your best continuing your cooking session."It's just a dream.." "A nightmare?" "Not quite..." Lucifer hummed again. "I see. If it wasn't a nightmare, then something flustering happened in your dream. Do you mind telling me about this dream?" You finished preparing the batter and moved your hands, to touch his slightly, as a signal for him to stop, which he did. "I'm sorry, but I'd rather keep it secret.." You took the bowl and put it in the cake form (look, I don't cook often, excuse my acknowledgements.) and then took it and (yeeted) put it in the oven.
You turned to Lucifer who was cleaning the table you worked on. "O-Oh- you don't have to clean it, I was the one who did the mess!" He chuckled and you almost freezed. "It's true, I don't have to, but I want to." You blushed a little and smiled kindly. "Thank you, Lucifer! I'd hug you right in this moment!" The elder brother looked at you and also smiled at you. "Then what is stopping you?" He opened his arms widely, inviting you into hugging him. "Come here, (Y/n)" Your face was flushed but you did not missed the opportunity. You ran in Lucifer's arms, hugging him with so much passion. You felt safe in his arms. It felt so right, almost as if it was meant to be. He couldn't help but laugh at your tenderness, hugging back as tightly. When you broke the hug, your face was red. Of course, Lucifer noticed all your blushes. But he could help himself and place his hands on your cheeks, looking lovingly in your eyes. "Would you mind explaining me the dream, now?" You slowly nodded and resumed your whole dream.
After the story, he seemed rather surprised. "You humans have rather interesting imagination, to provoke dreams like these." His words only made you feel anxious, you just confessed the fact that his dream version asked you to marry him, and you willingly agreed to it. You prepared yourself for the worst, closing your eyes, expecting a rejection, but you felt something warm pressing on your lips. You opened your eyes, looking at Lucifer, who was also looking in your eyes while kissing you. He broke the kiss and hugged you. "I love you... So much... I never expected myself to catch feelings for any human, but you're not any human. You're (Y/n) , and You're special." His words warmed your heart. Happy tears rushing down your cheeks, your loved one quickly wiping them. "Also, Dreams may come true, (Y/n)." Does that mean he will.. You giggled and pecked his lips. "I love you Luci. I'll always do." He chuckled and kissed your forehead. "I know you will, but now you're forgetting the cake." You immediately jumped and went straight to the oven, taking out the cake. Lucky you, it was perfectly baked and you could give it to Beel. You placed it on the table and left a note for Beelzebub. "Are you really gonna leave the whole cheesecake for Beel?" Lucifer asked you, looking surprised, knowing how much you liked sweets. "Yep! He deserves it, making this really helped me calm down. I also got something better." You winked at him, making his cheeks go pink. He walks to you and grab you in bridal style. "You're mine, (Y/n). Only mine." With that he took you to his room, and let's say, you had an amazing time.

The other brothers were in the kitchen. They arrived after some minutes when Lucifer got you for himself. "This is so not fair.." Leviathan said clearly jealous. Asmodeus just laughed at that and praised Beel who technically was the reason behind the whole scenario. Satan sighed after releasing Mammon, knowing that the... Inappropriate sounds will come soon. "Who wants to go shopping or something like that...?" They all agreed and left the house.

You and Lucifer got married, just like in your dream, of course Diavolo was pretty upset over it, but seeing Lucifer happy made him happy, so he accepted the fact that Lucifer doesn't love him. As a wedding present, he made you immortal, so you and your handsome husband could live an happily ever after.


Lucifer x reader - Obey Me! Shall we date- oneshotOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant