What did I do??

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Kaminari's POV

I actually wake up on time this morning, so I guess Jirou won't have to come. For some reason, I feel as if everything will be alright today. I'm packed with energy and feel happy!

Getting out of bed strangely isn't a problem, so I get dressed and walk down to the lounge where I pass a bunch of my classmates.

- Hey there Midoriya! Up top Sato! Todoroki! Chilling as usual? Yo, Tsu! I greet them as I go by them before getting breakfast.

- Hey Kaminari! Are you ready for today's exam? Sero chuckles putting his arm around my neck.

- ... Today's what? I reply, very much scared of his answer.

- Really Kami? We have a super big exam today! Mina adds following Sero closely.

I just kinda froze. I seriously did not know we have an exam! How could I not know?! Can't I do anything right for once!

Jirou pats me on the back and comforts: "Don't worry Denki! You'll just ace it like all the other tests!" I turn to her and see her smiling like I've never seen her before. She looks... beautiful! I stare in awe and her name slips out of my mouth. Kyoka... Jirou... the most amazing girl ever...

- Mes amis! Look at zee moon! Aoyama declared in all his dazzling-ness.

I turn to the window and sure enough, the moon's there... in the sky... and is getting closer, but not all that bigger. It keeps getting closer, crashes through the window and goes straight for Jirou! I shout her name in fear and in a moment of pure adrenaline, I jump between the moon and her and get hit in the face with a moon about the size of a basketball.

I fall off my bed with my jaw aching pretty badly. I touch my face softly and it feels... like a basketball was imprinted on my cheek! I look up to see Jirou in her uniform, her fists on her hips and her face all red for some unknown reason. I'm actually getting not a bad view, but I ignore it as much as possible.

- Jirou? Wait, I'm in my room? I wonder out loud, looking around.

- Get up, idiot! You have ten minutes or else, I come and throw you out your win... she yells, but then cuts herself off.

Without explanation, she storms out of my room and slams the door. Why was she so angry right there? Wait, what did I even do?

I get up and prepare for a rough day...

Jirou's POV

It's 7:15 am, I'm standing in front of Kaminari's door, I even have my hand on the handle, but I'm paralyzed. I just need to walk in his room and shake him a little! Yeah! And see his cute sleeping face, but that's besides the point! Whatever! In a fit of rage at myself, I open the door and walk in.

He's right there, sleeping like a baby, softly snoring. I take a deep breath... bad idea! Now I smell Kaminari everywhere! No, it's fine, calm down Jirou. I sit on the edge of his bed and prepare to shake him awake, but just as I get closer to him, he whispers something. He whispers: "Kyoka Jirou, the most amazing girl ever."

I get up and take a step back, all flustered. My stomach is doing flips and my brain is going flop. I take the closest thing to me, which just so happens to be Kaminari's basketball and throw it as hard as I can right in his face right after he says something about the moon.

He wakes up all right. I stand above him and tell him what I intend to do if he's not downstairs in ten minutes, but I then realize that like this he can probably see under my skirt. I get even most flustered and just get out of there before I make an even bigger fool out of myself.

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