Kacchako 🔞

Magsimula sa umpisa

Bakugo's p.o.v.
I woke up with arms wrapped around me. I sit up to see my girlfriend, Uraraka. She yawns and sits up with a stretch. "Hey," she said looking at me sleepily.
"Hey. When did you get back?" I asked her. She looked at the clock on my bedside table.
"I guess around two hours ago," she told me. She then jumped out of the bed and went over to my desk. "I got you some medicine to help with your cold," she told me. She grabbed a bag and brings it over to me. She pulls out a water bottle and cold pills. At least it not the liquid. "I didn't think you liked the liquid so I got you the pills," she told me like she read my mind.
"Thanks." I grab the pills and open it and plop one in my mouth then opened the water to help swallow it.
"I'm going to go start you a bath," she told me and walked to the bathroom. I get up and grab me some clean clothes and walked into the bathroom. She looked back at me. "I hope it's not to hot," she told me. I sat my clothes on the counter and go to the tub and put my hand in the water.
"It's fine," I told her.
"Great! I'll leave you to it. Call me if you need anything," she told me then walked out the bathroom shutting the door behind her. I sigh. I take off my clothes and get in the tub and sit down. I lay my head on the wall behind me. It was silent tell I heard a voice. Is Uraraka singing?

"We were both young when I first saw you. I closed my eyes and the flashbacks started standing there on a balcony with summer air."
What is she singing?
"See the lights the party and the ballgowns. See you making your way through the crowd and say hello. Little did I know. "
"That you were Romeo and you were throwing pebble's and daddy said stay away form Juliet and I was crying on the stair case begging you please don't go~."
Whatever song it is. She's not held bad. I guess she doesn't know I can hear her.
"And I said, Romeo take me some where we can be alone. I'll be waiting so all there left to do is run. You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess. It's a love story. Baby just say yes."
"So I sneak out to the garden to see you. We keep quite cause will be dead if he knew. So close your eyes. Let's keep this down for a little while."
"Oh oh. You were Romeo and I was a scarlet letter and my daddy said stay away from Juliet, but you were everything to me. I was begging you please don't go~!"
I get out the tub and drain it. I dry off and get dressed but I stay in the bathroom and listen to her sing the rest of the song. When she was done singing I opened the door. She was at my desk, earbuds in her ears. I walk up behind her and put my hands on her shoulders. She jumps a little and takes out a ear bud and looks up at me.
"Who knew you could sing," I told her. She blushed and hid her face in her hands.
"You heard?" She asked embarrassed.
"Yep, and your really good," I told her.
"Can you sing?" She asked.
"Yeah, I can dance too," I told her as i sat down on my bed. She turned around.
"What can you not do?" she asked.
"Keep my anger in cheek" I told her.
"Don't be a smart ass," she told me as she stood up from the chair and sat down beside me. I lay my head on her shoulder and let out a yawn. "Sleepy?" She asked. I nodded my head and close my eyes. I felt her move her head to her lap. She ran her fingers through my hair. I fell asleep not long after.

Uraraka's p.o.v.
I moved him to where his head was on his pillow and I put the blanket on him. I check the time to see it was lunch time. Since he was asleep, I'll go make some lunch. I kiss his forehead. I put on his slippers that were like two size my foot size and went down to the kitchen to make something to eat. I just heated up left over dinner from last night. I eat then go back to his dorm. I put on his winter gloves and lay down beside him. I fall asleep about a hour later listening to music.

My hero academia one shots. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon