First day of school

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It was Sunday night and I was unpacking stuff for my room. I had to at least get my bed made so I'll be able to sleep and be ready for school Monday. I honestly wasn't in the mood to try to look good for school even tho I'd be making a first impression. I started to unpack some clothes and hang them up on my closet. Maybe I should go shopping soon. I noticed my window was across another window from the Dresslers but there was curtains so I wasn't sure if that was a room or a bathroom lol. I went to the bathroom and took a shower and put on a face mask and started to text my friend Laura about my experience so far. Nothing interesting. Afterwards I washed my face mask off and went to bed early.

It was Sunday night and I had been playing video games all day and made a few tik toks. I was on the phone with Alex who is also on tik tok. I like her a lot the only problem is she lives in Texas. But there is so much to admire about her. I soon had to hang up since I had a load of homework to do that I always leave last minute. It was super hot in my room so I opened my window I noticed another window across from me. Must be the new neighbors. I couldn't see anything since the lights were off. I got back to doing my homework and called it a night.

I decided to wear a white hoodie with a pair of light jeans and white converse with some fuzzy socks. I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast. I got all my stuff ready and got the keys since I can drive to school and I was off.

I had my usual morning routine. I decided to wear a black hoodie with some grey joggers and a pair of nikes. I then made my way to my car and to school.

I went to the office so I can get my schedule and my locker combo. First period I had english in room 137. So I headed to that class. The teacher assigned me to a seat in the back of the classroom. Before class started I got a few things out of my bag so I was ready. I was really nervous since I didn't know anyone and I'm not really great at starting conversations. This kid comes into class and sits right next to me. He says hi to me and I say hi back.

I have english first period my least favorite class since I don't really like anyone in that class. I sit all the way in the back. I walked in and took my seat. I see this girl I've never seen before. I say hi and I asked her if she's new since I've never seen her before. I introduced myself and she said her name is Ava. She seems pretty nice. Maybe I'll actually have someone to talk to in this lame ass class.

The kid that sat next to me is named max he seems pretty chill. Hopefully he'll want to be my friend so he can help me out a little bit since I'm new to everything.

End of the day-
I have a few classes with Ava. Me and her got to talk a bit more after school. She thanked me for helping her around. Although in some of my classes I didn't talk to her much since I sit with my friends. Afterwards I had to head home.

Well good news is I have a few classes with max. But I do need to start making some new  friends. He has his own friends and I don't want him to feel obligated to sit with me since I am the new girl. Well that settles that for my first day of school.

Hey, I just started writing this story and I have a couple of good ideas hopefully everything will turn out good. I hope you're enjoying it so far I'm gonna try to write as much as I can this week.

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