- She...

- But damn answer me! What did you do to her! I was going to hit him but the guys separate me from him while I was struggling, enraged

- We ... We were talking and a hooded man approached her with a glass bottle. I pushed Mia and took the hit in her place. After that it's the black hole, and when I woke up she was gone... He said weakly

- I'm going to kill you! I said pushing him on the ground and hitting him

- Brad! Calm down ! We waste time finding her. James tried to reason me but it didn't work. Only a calm voice like Mia's could calm me down

- You're an asshole, you didn't even protect her! I yelled at Lucas, hitting him. But Tris and Con raised me and two frozen hands came to rest on my cheeks. I met Kirstie's reassuring gaze

- Calm down ... We're going to find her, I'm sure she's fine. She told me calmly, preventing me from staring at anything other than her eyes. My breathing slowed down little by little and the tears started to flow profusely on my cheeks

- I need her ... I said in a whisper, falling on my knees

- It's okay, let's call the police. "

This evening was disastrous. My thoughts wandered to James and Kirst ', the poor, their best friend was kidnapped on their wedding day.

I'm empty. The police came earlier, Lucas told them everything he knew and they said they were going to start the investigation right away and keep us posted. Lucas did not want to go to the hospital, saying that he would treat himself at home. I hate him, he didn't take care of her and protect her, it's his fault if she got kidnapped. That's what I'm trying to convince myself of, but deep down I know it's my fault, if I hadn't lied to her she wouldn't have come out and she would always be by my side.

I can't help thinking about her, she must be terrorized. I just want to take her in my arms, apologize and reassure her ... Instead I'm in this room, helpless

We have to resume the tour in 1 week and I don't see myself resuming without her

It was around 3 am and the guys decided to take me home. The car was silent. Our faces reflected concern and sadness.

"- I'm really sorry that your day ends like this James, it must had been the best day of your life ... I said

- Stop thinking about me Brad ... And don't apologize, you can't help it. I blame the assholes that kidnapped her, not you.

- Yes, but-

- Stop. Brad, we know you are sad, but please stop thinking about it ... You got nothing to do with it. James cut the conversation short because we had arrived. We'll be picking you up in two days for the performance at the charity gala. If you need to speak know that we are there, but please do not shut yourself up and do not reject us. She may be your girlfriend but she is also our friend and we will need you as much as you need us ... He said before hugging me and leaving "

I dragged my feet to the door of my house and entered without paying attention to the noise I made

"Brad? It was my mother's voice

- Mom... I said with a trembling voice

- Mia is not with you? She said to me while approaching and it was too much. I burst into tears as she took me in her arms. Nat '! Derek! She called

The Street (English) - Bradley Will SimpsonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon