Women's Battle Scars

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CAUTION: Possible mention of rape. 

The scars on every one of us are different. Each one of us are hiding varying dark secrets within the murky depths of our hearts. Each one of us experiences a lot in our lives. None of these scars are light and should not be overlook over another. Especially those of women.


In the darkest night, devoid of the stars that we so much loved to see, in a lone bedroom, there sat a little girl in a small wooden chair who poured her heart out into the pages of her treasured journal. Alone. She knows that there was no one to listen to her this late in the night and neither does she wish for them to hear her. All she wanted was to vent her frustrations in the form of tears. On the table in front of her was a neat stack of school homework as well as a timetable, noting down the little details of her life: upcoming revisions and tests she had to prepare for. She felt that her wings of freedom were clipped and that she was caged in her room. With every choking sob, she felt the walls of her room closing in on her. She was feeling claustrophobic. She felt that her future was filled with countless tests and endless days of homework.

After a while, she wiped her face clean of tears and summoned a breath of courage before picking up her pen to continue her work. She knew hating her current lifestyle and crying over it was futile. If the competitive environment and her strict parents would not change, then she would be the one who adapts to them. She would have to tackle her fear in order to make peace and enjoy the process of learning instead of blinding vying for results. She started to learn how to craft a learning plan with sound reasons to convince her stringent parents to relax their hold over her and give her more room to breathe. Whenever she failed to meet their over-the-top expectations for her results, she gave them a detailed plan of why she made her mistakes and how she would rectify them.

At last, she was able to overcome days of her trauma which were filled with meaningless and directionless studies and her harsh parents, instead she had come to love the process of learning.


In another place, under the weeping sky, there was a drenched woman in her early twenties who stumbled down the unending road with her heels in her hand. Her salty tears mixed with the cold raindrops on her face. She was recently dumped by her boyfriend on their three-year anniversary. She had even dressed herself for the occasion. Dressing to the nines was something that she rarely did, but because of how precious the occasion was to her, she willingly sought help from her designer friends to procure a stunning dress, forked out money to have her makeup and hairstyle done up by professionals. Yet, she found that in the arms of her boyfriend was another woman at their anniversary dinner. He had brought that girl along to break off their relationship. The memory of how he had wrapped his arms around the slender waist of that woman's, smirking at her while the woman sneered at her, silently mocking her inability to keep a man faithful to her side. It was like a slap to her face. The heartbroken woman let out a frustrated wail into the stormy night

As she trudged on, she remembered the day he had asked her to be his girlfriend. That was a night unlike tonight. It was a night filled with astounding fireworks, the sweet fragrance of flowers and unforgettable, soft, feather-like kisses. She recalled the days when they gaily laughed at anything and everything; when they used to be each other's anchor through thick and thin, especially the opposition from their families. She was the daughter of an arrogant but wealthy businessman. He was the son of a humble office worker. She also thought of the recent days when because of his retrenchment, he lost himself to alcohol and turned to drugs. She could not stop him from spiraling into darkness, into a life filled with greed, corruption and decadence but instead, she too began to get sucked the vortex of his noxious world. Their sweet, dreamy romance down-hilled into one filled with so much toxicity she didn't realized that she was having so much difficulty in going about her life. Even the simplest action of breathing was akin to inhaling lungful of glass shards. To think that a man who used to be so sweet to her would do such a cruel, heartless thing to her.

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