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the lights shone down on the road , illuminating most parts of it but leaving a few dark spots . she walked along the road , seemingly without any destination . it was late , but she didn't seem to mind at all . her thin shirt and ripped jeans didn't keep her very warm but she kept on walking . messy bunned hair , old sneakers , she liked the aesthetic , no matter what others said . the river sparkled and reflected the stars in the sky . she walked down to the river side and sat down on the cold rocks . the yellow street lamps also got reflected on the slow waters of the river , painting a beautiful scenery .

she stared at the river , completely unaware of someone walking down the same path she had come from . she blinked and turned her head back . she saw him . a boy with brown , curly hair . he had a slim frame and was seemingly crazy, just like her to only be wearing a thin shirt and ripped jeans in mid-winter . the lights lit up half of his face and made him look exquisite and quite out of this world . he coughed , breaking her out of her trance . they looked at each other and just smiled , awkwardly .

she walked back to her spot , and continued gazing into the calm river waters , ignoring the previous encounter . he sat a bit further down , closer to the river than her , not speaking a word . the boy had an air of mystery around him , which made him quite alluring . she took in a deep breath , "my name is ---- , what's yours ?" . he blinked , "jongdae , jongdae kim" . she liked that name , it just rolled of her tongue , very naturally . the name , she decided , suited him very well .

"look" he said , pointing to a certain part of the river . she looked over to that area and was pleasantly surprised . there was a lotus blooming right in the middle of the reflection of the moon . the dark silhouette of the lotus against the bright reflection of the moon looked perfect and extremely in harmony , yin and yang .

she sat beside him , any air of awkwardness having dissipated somehow . neither of them spoke , yet it wasn't an uncomfortable silence . it rather , felt comforting , just watching the stars in the sky , the sounds of water flowing and insects buzzing as background noises .

the boy lifted his hand up and pointed to a cluster of stars . she followed his hands and looked at him , asking for an explanation . "that is the constellation , libra . look , it's shaped like a balance" he said , tracing an outline of a balance , connecting the stars .

the constellations were mirrored on his cheeks , in the form of brown freckles . she ran a tender finger along his cheeks , connecting the spots in random  patterns . he grabbed her hand in his slightly bigger ones and squeezed them lightly . "your hands are very soft" he said and giggled . the sound of his tiny giggles were like music to her ears .

"you have a beautiful giggle" she said , truthfully . it was more beautiful than most songs she'd heard . "what a rare compliment" he said , giggling softly once again . "i think you'd have a great voice" she said , earning a shake of the head from the other . "i don't , honestly". he shook his head again as he said those words . "sing for me" she said and he got up .

you shine like the stars •°
you light up my heart •°
at the end of today's hardships •°
brightly shine on me •°

the moonlight shone on his skin , giving him a serene glow . she could feel the emotions of the song as he sang . he sang so naturally and beautifully , it was surprising the song wasn't his . he smiled at her after finishing the song and she'd be lying if she said her heart didn't stop for a moment . his smile was picturesque , as if it were a painting from vinci himself .

kim jongdae , she declared , was an image of absolute perfection .

constellation •° k.j.dWhere stories live. Discover now