"Careful, you don't want to hurt your other ankle," Asahi reminded him as he dug into his pocket to produce a key and hopped to the door on one foot to unlock it. "Do you want your crutches?"

"Giving up on being my man-princess, huh Asahi?" Noya teased as he pushed the door open.

"For the last time, it's called a prince," Asahi said, entering the doorway and calling out apologies for the intrusion. He dumped their things by the door and propped the crutches up by the wall before picking Noya back up, this time in bridal style.

"Dad already knows you're coming for dinner, I texted him during practice," Noya said, squirming in Asahi's arms to get more comfortable.

"Without asking me? What if I had said no?" Asahi asked, raising an eyebrow.

"When do you ever say no to me, Asahi-san?" Noya asked. Asahi came very close to dropping Noya – as it was, he stumbled over his own feet and almost fell. He was sure his face was beet red. Noya laughed, and Asahi was pretty sure that Noya was succeeding at the flirting thing without even intending to while Asahi could barely manage to hold a conversation.

"Hey Otousan, Asahi and I are back!" Noya called out into the house, ignoring Asahi's reaction. A dark head poked out into the hallway, grinning widely.

"Welcome Asahi-kun, it's nice to finally meet you. Yuu talks a lot about you," he said. He seemed unperturbed by his son's position in Asahi's arms. "I'm making ramen, I hope that's alright."

"Thank you for having me," Asahi forced out, before ducking his head and turning to head up the stairs. "Which one is your room?" Asahi asked as he made it to the landing, looking around.

"That one," Noya said, pointing to a closed door at the end of the hall. Asahi nodded and walked over, opening the door and looking around. The room was decorated simply, with a desk and a bed and a few posters of various music artists that Noya liked dotting the wall. It was just messy enough to be endearing: there were stray pencils on the desk, the bed was hastily made, and there was a discarded manga volume lying on the floor. It was simple, straightforward, and a little rough around the edges, like Noya, and Asahi suddenly felt very embarrassed to be there. He'd never spent much time with Noya outside of school or volleyball, and the times that they did hang out they'd done casual things that did little to acquaint them to each other's personal life. Being here made him feel like he'd rushed into something he wasn't equipped to handle, a level of intimacy he wanted but wasn't sure what to do with.

"You can put me down Asahi-san, you must be getting tired after all of this," Noya said, looking up at Asahi with a smile. Startled out of his thoughts, Asahi realized that his biceps had in fact begun to burn with the strain of holding Noya's weight. But, at the same time, he didn't really want to let Noya go. Reluctantly, Asahi moved to the bed and deposited Noya on top of it. He felt empty and kind of awkward without Noya in his arms, like he didn't really have any further purpose being there, so he just stood looking at Noya in hopes that the other would give him some sort of cue. He knew that if Suga and Daichi were there they'd be rolling their eyes at him and encouraging him to do something, anything , but the fact remained that Asahi had no idea how to deal with the pounding affection in his chest. Or how to talk to people in general, really.

Luckily, Noya was Noya and had no filter or boundaries whatsoever, and quickly reached up to pull Asahi down onto the bed next to him.

"Take a load off Asahi, the man-princess is supposed to live a life of luxury, isn't he?" Noya said as Asahi toppled forward with an "oof," falling gracelessly next to Noya. Asahi couldn't even bring himself to correct Noya, too aware of where his body was touching Noya's (arm, hip, thigh, foot) as they lay side by side. "Okay, so practice today. Your serve form was good, but I think you could..."

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