"If anyone asks, you will not tell them Leah is in Azkaban. You will tell them she went to sort out her adoptive parent's will, which has just been recovered. They'll find out in the papers, I'm sure, but let's keep it quiet for as long as possible, do you hear me?" Voldemort asked.

 "Yes, My Lord," Draco bowed.

 "Good, now return to Hogwarts," he said and Draco used Floo Powder to return.


Back at Hogwarts

"Come here," Draco hissed, passing Pansy, Ariana, Thane, and Blaise. The Loveland twins will have to wait; they've barely been talking to her anyway. They all walked up to the dorms and Pansy gripped Draco's arm.

 "Is Leah alright?" she asked.

 "She went to the Ministry to carry out a mission from the Dark Lord, and everyone there, besides Bellatrix and The Dark Lord were sent to Azkaban," he said and they gasped.

 "No...no you're lying!" Pansy cried.

 "You've got to be joking," Ariana whispered. Thane didn't say anything, he only put his head in his hands.

 "This is surreal," Blaise muttered. Thane stood up angrily and hit the wall.

 "I told her she was in danger! Tell me, who betrayed her from her inner circle?" Thane asked.

 "My dad...how'd you know?" Draco asked.

 "I kept getting messages saying someone close to her would betray her, but she brushed it off. Well, now she's in prison!" he threw his hands up in exasperation.

 "How will she get out?" Pansy asked, tears already soaking her face.

 "They assume Dumbledore will do it," Draco ran his fingers through his hair.

 "Oh God...my sister!" she cried, and Blaise held her as she shook with sobs.

 "This is terrible," Ariana said as tears of her own slipped down her cheeks silently.

 "Yeah, well you all need to calm down. If you guys are crying and Potter's trio is all beat up, along with the fact Leah is missing, people are going to start asking questions," Draco said.

 "Shut up, you heartless git!" Pansy screamed, hitting him weakly.

 "You love her, but you're willing to let her rot there! My sister is in prison and you want me to calm down? Screw you Draco Malfoy!" she yelled, crying even harder as she stormed out of the boy's dorm and into her own.

"Bloody Hell," Blaise said and they all sat there in dejection and shock.


"Ronald will you stop it!" Hermione cried, smacking him.

 "She betrayed us, so I'm simply laughing at her, why is that so bad?" Ron chuckled.

 "Dumbledore trusted her...and she said herself she was a spy. I think maybe she was telling the truth," Harry said.

 "She ran off to join the Death Eaters after you both had that vision!" Ron said.

 "Voldemort is her father, what do you expect?" Hermione asked in exasperation.

 "She actually fought us!" Ron exclaimed.

Leah Riddle: Riddle me This (Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora